Defining your Niche on Dtube

in #dtube6 years ago

There are things that define us as individuals. When I was younger, my major problem was being inspired everyday. If things didn't go well, I would feel discouraged, depressed and might even stop. This cycle of events affected my morale a lot.
One thing I quickly learnt as I matured was I needed to inspire myself all the time. Encourage myself to keep going no matter what. This has eventually defined my niche.
Without a doubt today, my niche is to inspire, encourage and teach the stuff I have learnt over the years. That's what I do anytime I press the record button on the camera.
We all need to define our niche on the Dtube platform. Let's be known for something and capture our unique audience. It's all about being yourself and pressing on to where you're going. Thanks for watching and please don't forget to subscribe.

▶️ DTube

thank you for share this information

You are welcome

@starkemmy ....yes you are right if anyone wins himself then he can win all world...coz most difficult work is to win our self

Absolutely true, thanks a lot.

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