in #dtube6 years ago

East Kutai, which is quite extensive, turns out to have many tourist sites that are hidden and not yet widely known to the wider community. If the tourism potential is explored, it is not impossible that many are interested and visit there.

One of them is Batu Lapis waterfall in Kaliorang sub-district, East Kutai district. The location is not far from the main road shaft, about one kilometer along the trail downhill. The right-left scene is still very beautiful but must be careful because there are prickly bushes along the road. After walking for 30 minutes to the location, immediately presented a magnificent view, namely multilayered rock cliffs that stand majestically and sturdy towering.

Traveling from Sangatta city to the location of the waterfall is about two hours by using two-wheeled vehicles. The community does not need to bother putting vehicles, because on the roadside there is a shop and vehicles can be deposited to the owner of the shop. Or it could also be parked in the home page of local residents belonging to Karsono who is also the Chair of RT 15 in Kaliorang sub-district. Before heading to the location, you can stop by the stall while drinking tea to get rid of a moment of tiredness.

Although it has traveled relatively far, but after arriving at the location of the waterfall, it will pay off, because the scenery under the cliff flows the river with exotic rocks and the water is amazingly clear and cool. If taken, it tastes almost the same as mineral water sold in the market. In hot weather conditions, it feels tempting to plunge into the bath and swim.

According to the Kaliorang Village Secretary (Sekdes) Mohammad Asri, the Batu Lapis waterfall in his village area has not been visited by many people. But the scenery is quite beautiful and neat and is estimated to be one of the tourist destinations in East Kutai, especially in Kaliorang.

The obstacle now is that the road access to the location is not so good, because it is still a dirt road and a trail. The repair of the road is repaired requiring a small amount of funds. We hope that the District Government of Kutim or the existing company can help improve the road to the tourist sites, so that people can be easier to get there, "Moh Asri said.

Explained, although not too high about seven meters, the Batu Lapis waterfall presents an amazingly beautiful charm with beautiful overdrafts and makes it easy for visitors to bathe under the flow of water. Not only that. Visitors can also enjoy the sound of the gurgling water and the extraordinary gentle breeze.

According to Asri, Kaliorang Waterfall has its own uniqueness, so it deserves to be one of the tourist destinations in the Kutim. The water is very clear and green, so the scenery is quite amazing. The depth of the lake which reaches around 20 meters is fantastic. Visitors can swim to their heart's content while looking at the landscape of the cliffs that soar carved into exotic layers of natural rock that are naturally formed and very beautiful. "You could say this is a small paradise in Kaliorang," he added.

A number of residents who are members of the Udin East Sumatra Tourism (RPWKT) Volunteer Kate Daeng M told the beginning of the discovery of the waterfall with the name 'Mangkok'. By the Bengalon nature lovers community, it was later changed to the Black Canyon and again turned into a Green Canyon with the origin so as not to be spooky and adjusted to clear and green water when viewed by the eye. The name was later changed to Batu Lapis Waterfall during the installation of an appeal board and instructions with the Kaliorang Secretary and PT Indexim Commander and the East Kutai Tourism Volunteer Community (RPWKT).

"If there are myths and stories in the region, it seems haunted and scary is just a mere engineering. If people want to visit there are restrictions and appeals not to be made. Among other things, maintaining attitudes, cleanliness, must not damage and cross out cliffs and rocks, may not burn shrimp paste and dried fish, "said Udin.

The community is advised not to go there when the weather is hot rain. All these prohibitions, in order to maintain local wisdom. In addition, when it rains and at dusk, people are also not allowed to go to the location of the waterfall. Because, at that time the fog often occurs. All of that for the safety of visitors to avoid things that are not desirable.

Remember, if you want to go to Batu Lapis waterfall, you are expected to ask permission from the Head of the local RT to guide you to the location. With the condition of the trail like that, it is very necessary for those who have never had to be accompanied, so that undesirable things happen. "We want the people who go there to stay safe and help promote it as a safe and beautiful natural tourist spot," Asri said.

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