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RE: - Christchurch Mosque False Flag Hoax Shooting

in #dtube6 years ago

The joke is it was supposed to be a head cam, a poor quality one as we can see, low res, yet said head cam live streamed to facebook, and for 17 minutes, yet the video, and the mans farcebook account, according to the news, were taken down minutes after it started, yet managed to be uploaded to youtube and other sites, including news sites in full, what a magic low res cam, must of had a phone sim fitted to it, utter bollox, I just find it hard to understand why anyone believes this crap shooting even happened.


Unfortunately because people actually died... that is why I was against sharing this stuff (the exposures). Simply because most people don’t understand how to validate things.

And not understanding that until proven, it has zero value. Although people actually give real value to examples of fake news.


who died, and how?

Can’t answer how... but check NZ police for who. Twitter NZ police has an official number for you to call.

Posted using Partiko iOS

my point is, did you watch the video here?

this 'gunman' is firing blanks and not killing anyone.

so if the police/ msm are saying people died, then how did they die, because it wasn't from a man firing blanks, was it?

Man... people are DEAD (I am NOT referring to the video)! That (real-life tragedy) does not have anything to do with the discussion about this video. Separate things... but if you mock with things that in real life happen... do you expect everyone to behave? No.. so that’s why... people take 2 seconds to report a lie... and forget it takes hours if not days to find the truth...

Exposing false things (or unconfirmed) is the same (for me) as talking crap... I mean... I can talk for hours... all day if anyone wants... not sure if useful for humankind though.

Terror anyone can generate... prevention of it is a difficult choice if you had been involved before.

I don’t give credit for who thinks this or any other terrible video trying to mimic real-life terror is worth sharing. Those who do... have made their choices. I have made mine, which has nothing to do with my skills and philosophical interpretations.

People need to research/think more before speaking...

'I don’t give credit for who thinks this or any other terrible video trying to mimic real life terror'

at least you understand this video is a hoax. but it is the 'official video' of the new zealand mosque mass killer that he took on his headcam. you can find small parts of it all across the msm, at least up to the point he goes into the mosque and pretends to kill everyone, and they pretend to die, without blood or bullet wounds.

do you understand yet?

Not sure what you mean by official... has any government agreed to this video as from one of the attackers?

As the source of the video been validated?

Until that this is just a movie for me. Which in any sense changes my compassion for who suffered this tragedy. That’s real to me.

Posted using Partiko iOS

yes, it's the official video from the attacker. check the msm for yourself instead of dismissing it. no one suffered in any tragedy, it's a fake phony hoax. d'oh.

You only believe what the state says, nothing I say will change your indoctrinated behavior, I already know this, so you will end up with the dystopian nightmare you deserve, keep voting, no vote harder, and expect them to keep you safe, when they have zero incentive to do so, every false flag gives them the right to take away more of your freedoms, enjoy.

I believe in myself...

But thanks for trying to save my ass from whatever you call "state". You assume too much of me.

One thing I can say about you... I know nothing about you! So, if we are going to get somewhere... I will need more than just words. Otherwise, thanks, but no thanks.

You are welcome do disagree, and I am free too. =)

Would you like videos then, if words are not enough? I can highly recommend some for you, investigative or otherwise.

I mean from you...

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh go on then, what harm can it do, I am David Icke, address Isle of White.

I though I was clear about the bit "more than words". 😊

Ah you want my name and address? Ha Ha nice try.

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