Scroll To Top Button extension (add-on) demo

in #dtube5 years ago

Scroll To Top Button is more than what its name suggests:

Available customizations

  • Button mode
    • Scroll to top only
    • Flip between top & bottom
    • Dual arrows (scroll to top & bottom)
    • Keyboard only
  • Scroll up/down speed
  • Appearance distance
  • Button size
  • Button design
  • Button location
  • Not active button opacity
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Language


This extension does not read, change, store, or transmit any of your personal data (e.g., logins, passwords, messages, contacts) from any of the sites or your computer in absolutely any form.

Free open-source extension. Code available for your review at

Scroll To Top Button for Chrome:
Scroll To Top Button for Opera & Yandex.Browser:
Scroll To Top Button for Firefox:
Scroll To Top Button for the new Microsoft Edge:
Scroll To Top Button for the legacy Microsoft Edge:

▶️ DTube
▶️ YouTube

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