Everybody Wants To Be A Cat

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

just a rare version of the classic song

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you can have a piece of me

but , remember

YOU promised ME shit

about anyone here who's asking
i delivered

i need to see the money

i dont need to see tomorrow

i need to see the money
to morrow
the money
i dont understand how you can mix that up

its been too many too morrow

thats okay ji-sanggg

couldnt do it without you


BUT , wait a minute

you were with THEM ...

its not gonna be that simple

everybody wants to be a cat

but dogs cant climb trees

my lady put me on the roof to tell the story i dont know about other places i have not been yet

but all the warriors are dead

my lady got burned

you do not understand ?

"the people", meaning the ones they choose to tell them what to do so its not their fault

are slightly sick of the pitch

they can SEE

in the street

the actual results

they will start treating YOU like witches if you dont deliver

no need to take me seriously


and where i wanted to move 20 years ago and i WAS DOING THAT

but ...

im here now

i have to make sure
no one gets the wrong idea about keeping me here


it asked me about 'strong women' and you came up with teddy ears

now , irish

i'm not a fatalist like you

i got responsibilities i CHOSE

the others ?

can go fuck themselves
but the ones i chose ?

i wasnt fucked that bad by the fire

my lady put me on the roof

you fucking faery

i want my fucking money

not some five promille dollarcent vote

wtf would that mean ?

this is how that post looks like after you tried to edit it for me ?

i dont hear ideas but exit scams

turn null into the reward pool

you can startup like that without thinking on 5 bucks of daddy money

i cant

but its even worse here

you might as well

if you can manage 1+1 you should understand

you have been gobbling up too much of my world i would let it go but i need my money back

that's okay

i told them not to

not to test me, not to profile, not even if some loser with daddy money asked

not even americans would ba that stupid


some seem to think they have the monopoly to smile

to "win" does not always mean "to get a dollar more than daddy left you"

it might mean "to not get eaten"

or other things
its my blockchain and its my life ...

no phracks given

not here anyway

a lot of mud though

wut ? it's live ? i cant help it if it keeps every character typed its like the fucking NSA



i should

before its political
point out the realities

but im probably running out of RC

awesome, that kind of appreciation would have paid food for a week last year

but its still the same appreciation :D

i cant be grateful enough for that

im not sure which part is actually showing

i have to re-edit myself all the time b/c it shows last post

this kind of appreciation would have paid food for a week last year

but the appreciation is still greatly appreciated

i hope they learned some manners then this time around

as to where to look for what

cos no one has a problem but the people who are bothered

you ask questions

when you get answers you dont like you try to obfuscate it and ask again

for some reason you still need someone to answer

im basically made of mud an cat-hair i'm like a jewish golem

but worse

since im not jewish

how d you like me so far, you can use this to discredit the numbers ?

i know

half the town told me many times



its beer ...


ofcourse you will and thats maybe why i dont

i love the dark, i LOVE IT, i live in it and i thrive in it

but i need a connection so if you do you'll need to bring an extra girlfriend that you own

connected to the light

its where the money comes from

yea, because romance doesnt need it


i knew youd understand

the meaning of cursed

i just realized right now

cat licks food off of the plate not cuz tongue

he does it on purpose cuzz

when the world was young

no one knew if a filet would appear in the next minute on calling or maybe two days later

its horrid, its one of the things i regret other than not quitting school faster

im sure he didnt intend to, animals tend to be pure

, unlike human filth

but he showed me

i fill the plate

and when i dont he can come down and feed the rest

thats pretty harsh

the cat is not bothered by real men

my lady put me on the roof so there's someone left to tell your tale

all your women are belong to us

it cut out half the text again

you really have the most useless shit

it doesnt post what i say

your crypto is shyte

and you insult my mother

i will always be a servant of my lady

not your lord

and my lady usually doesnt give a flying shyte

its what you're after

is it not ?

i dont know what it posts , it tends to go on cache

you missed half the shit i said like twice the time

you deny the inflation paradox

but you want ME to take YOU seriously cuz what ?

money ?
degrees ?

something like genes ?

i cant

show me the result of 'this is how you do it'

or fuck off

youy can just alter the SP needed ?

and its supposed to impress me styles like "YOU are the master" ?

they are my sisters

that would be incest

i dont know

i dont remember either

i do have observations

about the 90% marketeering, is there anyone left here who is not a lie

xept few daily posters who ENJOY being


anyone ?

i found out i was done a few weeks later than i set out to be

but you

after koinbots latest i saw the whole light

the only part i'm missing is the money drained whales vs non whales but i will only confirm what i know

you prey on a few who like to be above the guttertrash

they'll never admit it

because they're too hi-moral for that

but you are not

you take them for what they have

but they ARE

totally, i can see clearly now

dont tell me to go

i aint going nowhere

you dont have to buy me out

you'll have to show me the money

if you cant

you and the burgers alike

can be who you are

you dont have to even care

im not playing along with most of the rest either

its been more than half a year now

... employers never lasted that long, that was a sign of faith

maybe you could be something different

but double 3 months

you're not

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