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RE: Why I Don't Check My Phone in the Mornings Anymore

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Way to go @coruscate - glad it's working out for you!

Although here I am checking my phone @ 6.00 a.m - it goes so well with porridge and radio 4 (a very British institution!) In the moring.

Hard to keep these routines up.

I was reading some interesting research about the concentration benefits of keeping your phone in another room while you're working. Having it on the desk (face down) is just as distracting! Or in yer bag would work.

They really are wonderful amd damned devices at the same time!

I like that phrase 'setting intention' - although when you've promised yourself a day of improving yer blog's SEO.... no wonder I'm distracting myself at 6.00 am already!

Recording area looks good, not sure about those blck dangly bits in the background though...


oooh interesting about the research! I totally believe it. Even if the phone is face down - it's a much easier distraction of it's right there.

I hope your day of improving SEO on your blog went well! Sounds like a big project. No wonder you had to get started at 6 am. :)

Do you think the feather garland and lights in the background are too distracting/busy? Just curious. Thanks for the feedback!

The lights look good, but what are dark bitd hanging down from them? They're a little distracting!

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