New Trump Order Could Target Clinton, Podesta Brothers, and Uranium One?

in #dtube7 years ago

Last week's Executive Order issued by the Trump administration says it will target and freeze the assets of numerous human rights abusers, in a previous video I looked at two individuals named as human rights abusers in an Annex to the Order. Dan Gertler and Goulnara Karimova, and their ties to the Clinton's and the Clinton Foundation. Today, ZeroHedge released an article on the same subject which further examines the connection between several human rights abusers from the Order, the Clinton's, as well as the Podesta Group and the Uranium One scandal.
In the article, ZeroHedge linked to the recent report from The Hill which alleges that an FBI mole within the Russian Uranium industry had discovered “Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow."
Given these reports, they add a possible connection to the Podesta's based on a Fox report where "a former long-time executive of now-defunct D.C. lobbying firm, The Podesta Group - who has been interviewed extensively by FBI special counsel Robert Mueller, claims that Tony Podesta was "basically part of the Clinton Foundation," frequently meeting with the charity to discuss the Uranium One deal. Meanwhile, Tony's DNC operative brother John Podesta reportedly recommended that the Podesta Group hire David Adams - Hillary Clinton's chief adviser at the State Department, giving them a "direct liaison" between the group's Russian clients and Hillary Clinton's State Department."
Keeping in mind this recent news, ZeroHedge summarizes how all these events could come together "Uranium One deal is deemed corrupt by the Trump administration, and "Russian nuclear officials" indeed routed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, and Tony Podesta lobbied on behalf of the deal for the Clinton Foundation - it stands to reason that this Executive Order could freeze the US-housed assets of quite a few individuals. Of note, assets can be frozen with no prior warning, as Trump has declared a national emergency due to the "scope and gravity" of the threat posed by said individuals." Considering that the purpose of the Executive Order is to impact "anyone in the United States who aids or participates in said corruption or human rights abuses by foreign parties is subject to frozen assets - along with any U.S. corporation who employs foreigners deemed to have engaged in corruption on behalf of the company." Could members of The Clinton Foundation and The Podesta Group also be effected?
In addition to Gertler and Karimova, the article also points to a few other individuals named as human rights abusers in the Annex with further connections to the Clinton's. Particularly, former President of Gambia Yahya Jammeh, a major human rights abuser, who had been "installed as President during a 1994 CIA-led coup in Gambia authorized by the Clinton administration, and in 2014, the Obama administration effectively sidelined an attempted coup. Indeed, Jammeh appears to have been a friend to both the Clinton and the Obama Administrations."

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thanks for this info

I wait for their entry in the kill list and their executions... fast liquidations and it is done... the real question, should it stop at chelsea clinton (downline) or her children too? frankly as their grand mothers would have said, what difference does it make? in fact, none, jdam on them, game over, next... between 10 000 and 100 000 kill and this all globalists charade is done and dusted... and contrary to jihadists I don't expect to find them living in caves in afg... more private island and giant estates... so for me less 24 hours and it is done, when you think that the us mic is hot on nk and can't elimiante a few globalists... like they say in the nk, the last stand before riding in the sunset :). we leave with a flash.

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