Games Games Games - EGX 2018 is Here Again! / 伯明翰 EGX 游戏展

in #dtube6 years ago

This weekend was the annual gaming event in Birmingham called EGX, which also happens to be the biggest gaming-related event in the UK. @ezzy and I, of course, did not miss this cool opportunity, haha! We literally just finished it and I am still on a high from all the greatness I saw in there… We had an absolute blast!

Please check out the video above and I will be sure to write up a fuller description with photos and all tomorrow.


这周末是一年一度在伯明翰举办的游戏展会,名为”EGX”,也是英国与游戏有关最大的盛会!@ezzy和我当然不会错过这么好的机会咯!这个展会真的非常棒,我们才刚刚回到伦敦, 脑子里仍处于玩游戏极度兴奋的状态,哈哈!



▶️ DTube



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nice post,
thankyou to share in steemit

pls share more photo and details :)

好酷哦! 大家好像都玩得很過癮

Posted using Partiko Android

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