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RE: Poetry Please - Forty Percent Off

in #dtube5 years ago

Thanks buddy. Yeah, this poem is maybe a little different than a lot of my other poems. But sometimes, I need to express these angers about the cruelty we, as a species, perpetuate in the world, otherwise it festers inside. I feel like it is something great about being a writer (and especially a poet), that we can put these feelings/thoughts into a format that might effect someone to the point that they change their behaviour. I don't know if a poem can really ever change anything, but it's my best way of expressing these frustrations.

I'm glad you enjoyed the rhyming structure and rhythm m8. I read a book about performance poetry and it said to be less focused on rhyming and more on creating a strong rhythmic structure that compliments the underlying feeling behind the poem.

Thanks again for checking out the poem ☺

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You're right, we really don't know if a poem can change the world but sometimes it really goes a long way when the creative tendency of a poet comes to the fore concerning a specific matter that concerns the ills in humanity, this one was brilliantly expressed if you asked me, the mental power to it was topnotch.

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