
Although peace and harmony are nice Hallmark card slogans, the USA ain't responsible for the world. We just can't be. We've over extended ourselves with various wars to create peace -- a peace we want, monroe doctrine, no commies, you know that stuff. The USA sides with certain alies and fights against certain foes. For example, USA is not keen on other nations that do human rights abuses. And if some nation is doing that stuff, sometimes USA gets pissed off and goes and drops bombs on those assholes. And so it goes. If we elected a president that had the policy that, no matter what, peace and harmony, our foes would probe, and test, and exploit, and tread on the unprotected around the world. Lets say your in a nice neiborhood and some gang bangers move next door, start selling drugs, start having scary dangerous parties, with big guys with weapons. Sure, you could try to go over there and reason with them, but if THEY don't want peace, because they enjoy sex and violence, then your going to have a problem. Its gonna take some major wake up event for humanity not to hurt each other. Ronald Reagan talked about Alien invasion at the U.N., and how something like that would bring us all together. Human beings need to all feel they are on the same side against a BIGGER challange. Only then will we get on the same page -- but even that won't be peace and harmony.

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