
I've heard a lot about trickle down economics and some people argue that it is a load of garbage, even though the logic would make sense, because all of the products and services that the lower income people would purchase would be owned by the higher income. It would not solve inequality because once the lower income would have hold of the money, it would go straight back to those at the top, unfortunately.

Trickle down effects will not help equality in the real world, would be interesting to see what happens on the block chain! I hope for the best.


If we got one big name investor on the Steem Blockchain I bet the price would really shoot up.

A great video to put things in perspective regarding the financial aspect of STEEM. I believe that this is still i is infancy and it is worth it to start invest in it.

Anyone have a billionaire on speed dial?

Only millionaires atm haha

I wonder if the porn business will wind up having a lot to do with bringing Steemit to the mainstream. No joke. I read up that a lot of why VHS won out over beta on videocassettes was because porn went to VHS. I wouldn’t be shocked to see that happen here in the coming years.

I don't think it will happen. Since that area is still too taboo. But will it go to crypto and the Blockchain? Probably more and more. Just don't think the Steem Network will be the main for that.

It may not be the main, but I definitely think it will be a good part of Steemit in the future.

I love the crowd that’s on here as a whole. Definitely a passionate group of people as a whole. Lots of people here who realize just what’s changing in the world with technology and some very open minded people.

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