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RE: Daily d00k13 - Vlog Part #10 - Mental Illness

in #dtube6 years ago

I'm so sorry for your lost! Heartfelt condolences! Tristan sounds like he was an amazing person who cared very deeply for you. It is not always easy to interact with depressed people, or those with other mental Illnesses. It runs in my family and I suffer from anxiety and depression as well. It is very hard to connect with people. Withdrawal, feeling isolated and alone, behavior problems, shame and guilt. Your video has helped put a smile on my face, even though it's somber and teared me up. Because connection is beautiful. It's healing. And when other people open up, it's comforting. You spoke words of vulnerability and truth it's hard to remember, or believe sometimes in the darkest moments. Thank you for the reminder. Sending you some love. RIP Tristan.


Thank you and your welcome. It wasn’t easy to record that is for sure!

I really wanted to capture my message, I hurt but I still live because of one special individuals actions and that could be anyone in the right situation. I have seen many times over how even the simplest kind gesture can change an entire days sorrow into peace of ones self, acknowledgement goes a long way when everyone seems to walk with a wide berth around these tortured souls.

This was a peice for my own healing, if like with you it can help in anyway my mission was successful. I have been finding the process of recording and editing a very therapeutic experience, as my coworker Bob pointed out to me(join us on steemit Bob). I do not often recognize things like that, I started on steem with guilty intentions but now I am producing from the soul. This blog has turned into my journal, my deepest secrets will get spilled but knowing I have an audience forces me to think of the outcome! What message am I projecting? Who’s going to watch this? Why? Can it help in any way? If nothing else I hope to educate what not to do, I do not have all the answers of what to do.

Tristan was a faboulous soul, so charismatic, selfless, eager to please even at his own expense. I think this is what brought us together, we had known each other for a few years before he opened up to me and I was completely blow away! Never would you think someone so positive could be so broken inside, he had his own losses that brought him down. Ultimately it was the loss of his best bud, second home during his adolescence, after winning 3 rounds of cancer the 4th took him before Tristan could say goodbye. Isn’t it strange how the same scenario played out with me, I didn’t realize what I had till he was gone and I regret not saying so in the same way Tristan regretted not being their during the end.

@phedizzle I am here for you, hit me up when you need, I like to listen, no judgement as I always said to Tristan it goes for you aswell. Remember it will be a struggle, some days a battle, other days will pass without a worry so embrace those days when they come and hold onto that joy for the down days.

Thank you again, it means the world to me that my message reached someone.

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