DTube upload / thumbnails broken - plz fix

in #dtube6 years ago

Since I have not seen an article or post I'm going to adress the elephant in the room.
There is a problem with the thumbnails (IPFS error msg - when trying to upload a thumbnail). This caused a significant decrease in the amount of uploads (videos on DTube) recently.


  • no thumbnails
  • not able to upload to DTube
  • 2 uploads in 3 hours totally

Upload you video to Dtube, then upload the thumbnail image to https://globalupload.io/ then take the IPFS hash form there and paste it into the Snap Hash under the 'Advanced' tab in the Dtube video uploader.
If you upload the thumbnail to a seperate IPFS loader like the one linked above then you can take the link from there and add it to the Dtube uploader yourself then it will post with a thumbnail.
Oh I dont expect you to clink the link above, just search 'Gloablupload.io yourself and add your thumbnail there.

Oh... I shouldn't post before I had at least two cups of coffee in the morning... ^^'
Silly me! Thanks a lot for the reply tho!

edit: thubnails still broken on DTube / can upload tho... :/

If you go back onto your video on Dtube and press 'edit' then click on the 'advanced tab' you will see where it says 'snap hash' you need to add a new snap hash to that, which will be your thumbnail photo. Now to add a new thumbnail photo, you will need to go to Gloalupload.io. As soon as you go onto that site, click on that dark blue box in the middle and add your thumbnail, once you've done this it will give you a link to copy. Copy the link and add tit into the 'snap hash' box under the advanced tab in your dtube video. This will add the thumbnail when you press submit. Does that make any sense?

Yes it does - I really appreciate your help... but... let me show it to you:

I've tried different browser / clearing cache etc. ^^'
edit: I get an error during the WebSocket handshake (503 - unexpected response code....)

Oh yes mine is like that now, its down. I was just letting you know that you can atleast upload a video in the meantime eventhough the thumbnail wont show. You cant post a video without a thumbnail so this is a way to get around it :) that was all. A lot of people dont know this. Youtube isn't normally down like this so hopefully its sorts itself out soon.

I know the thumbnails won't show on Dtube until they sort the error their side but what I do on Steemit is edit the post and manually add the thumbnail picture above the video link so that at least the Steemit post has a picture and not a broken image :)

Sorry didn't notice after my first comment that you can still post lol. My bad :)

I know - just not with the default 'tool ' :P
Was pretty curious cause I saw no post, no tweet, nothing ^^
Ended up trying 3 different providers w/ 4 different browser each x'D
Didn't know about https://globalupload.io/ tho - thanks for that ;)

Well - at the start (early days) it only worked if you set up the IPFS stuff on your own x'D

Np & thx a lot for the replies ;)

EDIT: they fixed it - everything back to normal!

Yes thankful for that. They have some minor issues from time to time but it is still ealry stages for them. If you ever have any upload issues normally uploading in incognito solves most problems.
No worries pal, have a great weekend :D

Haha - I'm, already in incognito mode ;P
Thanks, same to you! ;D

*only tested with the upload via web browser (chrome desktop & mobile, brave)

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