The Truth About Vaccines Docu-series - Episode 6 video didn't load, corrected now, will be available shortly

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Watch The Truth About Vaccines Docu-series - Episode 6 corrected video on DTube

When you were a child, did you have the chicken pox? Were you aware that scientists have found retroviruses in many of the common vaccines in the CDC schedule today? These two topics, and many more, will be addressed in tonight’s episode.

I hope you enjoy it.

We’ve spent thousands of hours filming, scripting, and producing these seven episodes, and our goal with “The Truth About Vaccines” is to present this information in as clear, precise, accurate, yet unbiased method as is humanly possible, asking questions and interviewing experts who advocate using the scientific method to discover the truth about vaccines.


When my oldest child was little they weren't giving the chicken pox vaccine yet (thank goodness because he was injured enough), and at 18 months he got chicken pox. His immune system was a mess and he got a bad case. I can remember they were in his mouth :( Even still, he was pretty much a happy baby, it's not like that bad case was keeping him down. Anyway... over a decade later my youngest gets chicken pox. My youngest is unvaccinated because of his brother's injuries. He had a mild case that lasted three days and now has life long immunity. I'd never seen a case of pox come and go so easily without issue, without scarring, my youngest didn't even slow down. He was bummed that I made him stay home a few days because he felt fine.
We were born with immune systems that work beautifully if we support them with proper nutrition and don't inject our kids full of toxins.

Wauw that's a beautiful story, the video doesn't play for me however. Does it play back for you? There is an issue with the embedded subtitles I think. Episode 1 does play back fine for me.

i had chickenpox in the 90's! great post here

Thanks, that's a fast reply!

Here is an updated post where the video does load and playback. Might take a while though!.

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