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RE: Why Chinese People are Against Freedom of Speech

in #dtube5 years ago

Hmmm...well at the same not having a diversity in option and some how that's would lead to retrogression at some point. I'm not in support of control. Take for example the market. When it is not free it can be easily manipulated. Given a few people the power to determine when and how people should express themselves is a dangerous thing. Governments around the world have issues of corruption and nepotism because power is centralised and this leads to abuse. There are consequences for every action we make and i believe people should allowed to faced them. It can be the desired learning experience they need to better their lives.


Highly centralized governments can get shit done quickly. The downside is what you mentioned; things can turn sour very quickly. China is lucky that it has a government that is currently using its resources to advance the country. The same cant be said about other governments. Things can change overnight. Chinese people generally like their government but thats because there is hope. What happens when they reach the top and then find things become stale since the progress has slowed down?

Posted using Partiko Android

What I have seen is, while the growth is slowing down, the government is quickly banding up with other countries in Belt and Road for further development. It is very bold, yet very well planned so far.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yea amazing what a government can do when the leaders are not worried about getting re-electing every 2 to 4 years.

Thats one thing about democracy; it becomes a popularity contest. However, due to the bureaucracy of democratic governments, progress can be slower but also the abuse of power becomes more difficult than a dictatorship.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, they have a different strategy to spread Chinas influence around the world. They might put other countries in massive debt but at least they get better infrastructure and arent being destroyed by war via USAs tactics.

Posted using Partiko Android

I gave a lot of thought about the massive debts before. To me, this is more of a business deal. A company borrows money for development or a company keeps running everything the same without changes, hoping no one stronger would come their way to take over their position.

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At least the country has the choice to take on this debt or not. Unless a gun is being put to their head or they are being forced to do it, it is the risk the politician is taking when they do business with China. Better than a country being invaded by the USA against their will i suppose.

Posted using Partiko Android

Right on. At least, China doesn't dictate other countries on how they should run their own countries.

Posted using Partiko Android

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