Why do I keep doing this every single weekend?

in #dtube6 years ago

Hi everyone!
Hope you're all well!

It's so weird... only a couple of hours after posting mu successful run without pain on Friday, my diet and therefore my energy and just general spark went straight to hell.

That's okay though, it's important not to beat yourself up when you do badly, and try and learn from it.. why was I so excited about pizza on the weekend? Why didn't I keep to my plan of having a healthy weekend like I intended? I'm honestly not sure what the answers are, but it's definitely something I need to work on.

I know pizza is delicious, but I also know it makes me feel gross and/or blurgh.
There are theories that you tend to crave things you're allergic to... I remember as a kid choosing to have a chocolate milkshake every afternoon after school, even though I felt a little bit sick afterwards. I'm such a weirdo... but I also know everyone else struggles with it too. As a society we're completely and unhealthily obsessed with food. It's outta control.

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we can't just watch a delicious pizza brother sometimes we realy wanted them to eat..

No worries about eating pizza the most important are you still doing and continue your diet session.. :))

Thanks @bien! Hahaha, you're so right... I just got back from the shops and bought only healthy food, so I'm back on the diet now!

Been there and I feel for you! It's especially bad when you have a shorter timed challenge, like my girlfriend and I had a no sugar diet challenge for a month and then guess what? Sugar overload on Day 1 after the no sugar diet. Its shameful, but we are humans with cravings. It's all about training the mind and not setting it for a random challenge. In diet, it's about coming up with alternatives first, ones where you can bend the rules and then enhance that recipe - spaghetti bolognese... From normal to wholewheat spaghetti to zucchini noddle (zoodles). For the sauce, buy leaner meat or make it a vegetarian / vegan version (tofu). That's just an example.


Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks dude!

Yes! That's exactly it! I've done literally exactly the same with sugar, etc. What is wrong with us? Lot of personal trainers talk about how will power is a finite resource... so you need to create systems where you don't need to use will power every moment of every day on your diet. Which sounds logical... after this video I went to the grocery store and only bought healthy meats and veggies... so now I have no choice but to be healthly all week... and hopefully I've got some will power spare for the weekend.

Thanks for your comment! Super appreciate it!

You're welcome and we know you got this! Don't let the partner draw you back into temptation 😉 you got the (assuming it's expensive) healthy food that shouldn't go to waste! Really annoying when you throw away gone for fruits, veggies or meats that cost a bomb! Have the correct mindset and will power! You got this! 💪💪💪🔜🏅

Posted using Partiko Android

Your overall attitude towards diet seems alright. IMO, bad eating and cravings bring up necessary "problems" in your life so that they remind you of them. Lots of people are strict with their diet because they don't want to face the negative emotional effects like low self esteem and self worth so they are actually operating in an unhealthy way. Many don't want to accept their inadequacies and use diet as one way to escape that fear. Many times, I had grand epiphanies after following my cravings for sweets and unhealthy food that were very important to my overall growth. I don't think most people see these things and will just assume that unhealthy food is "bad" and should be avoided. At least you don't seem to stressed about it but I think surrendering to the cravings you had can be useful if you are willing to accept the negative feelings/thoughts that may arise.

Hey @kenanqhd, thanks for an incredibly insightful comment.
I think I'm in a world where most of my family and friends want to eat better, but lack the discipline in the moment. My partner, for example, isn't super happy about where her weight is at at the moment, but when she's hungry she'll eat the quickest, easiest thing.

I've never once thought of people dieting as a means to avoid looking deeply within themselves. It's a fascinating viewpoint. They're using their diets as a distraction.

I don't think I personally know anyone like that... most people I know on diets pretty much hate it but see it as a necessary evil.

I'm honestly not stressed about it... I'm just frustrated that I haven't figured out the optimal diet for myself... and honestly, even if I did, I'd probably still eat food that makes me feel crappy occasionally... cos humans aren't super smart.

Sometimes you have to allow people to feel shitty for them to get rid of underlying guilt and low self esteem. It sounds somewhat logical that if someone feels better eating healthy food than junk food, they would always choose healthy food. However, there is something deeper happening with the person in terms of their feelings and mindset.

The person may need to accept their feelings of inadequacy before they can truly appreciate healthy food that makes them more energetic. That can come down to appreciating themselves even when they don't feel good. This culture is constantly looking at things like "how to have more energy" or "how to stop being angry" etc. What this says is people are unwilling to truly accept their current reality and surrender to it. It shows that they haven't appreciated these aspects of themselves and are trying to match some ideal in order to escape fear and negativity. Yes, it's good to feel happy and energetic, but when someone doesn't feel those things, they often times think something is "wrong" with them. That may be a catalyst for childhood traumas and whatnot. As a result, people will try really hard to change their diet and lifestyle but internally, they will feel so uninspired and lazy to do so that they stay the way they are. They aren't "broken", their body is taking them in another direction of health that may be about emotional healing.

There are people that eat healthy food out of fear and being a victim. For example, I used to be heavily involved in the raw vegan community a number of years ago. There are plenty of people that will excitedly tell you how bad cooked food is because of X,Y,Z. They will say all these supposedly horrible things that cooked food will do and how it will create diseases and damage your body, etc. meanwhile it could all be false. The real message they are saying is "my body is too weak to circumvent these problems". They are actually praising themselves for being a helpless victim that is at the mercy of "bad" food and they are proud of it. They are passionately talking about how weak their bodies are and how powerful these bad foods are to them and that's why you shouldn't eat that food. Yet, why do they speak so passionately? Because they feel gratification knowing information that most of the world doesn't know. It is similar to conspiracy theorists. They feel special being one of the few "awakened" ones. They can only feel this special if they believe that the human body is so weak. However, if the human body was strong enough to not be negatively affected by whatever crazy theories they come up with, it would actually make them feel stupid. So after all, what the person is really going after is validation. They may feel inadequate or unintelligent because they lived a life where people made them feel stupid and now this is there way of trying to compensate for that.

That was quite a long post I wrote. Ultimately, I just want to say that bad diets and lifestyles may persist in someones life due to emotional traumas and "unfinished" business. It may not be in someones best interest to feel happy and energetic at this point. It may be more useful for them to come to terms with aspects of themselves they are trying to "fix" in order to receive love, validation and respect from others (and themselves).

Wow @kenanqhd, this might be the most comprehensive reply I've ever received.

Your viewpoint is one I've never looked at from this side before... but I can see a lot of truth in there. It explains why diets are so incredibly popular and why some people bounce from fad diet to fad diet.

I think I do personally feel inadequate at the moment. I have injuries that are holding me back from training the way I'd like to be training, and so diet is something I can control. My energy levels have been all over the place this year... and yet, when my diet is going really well and I'm feeling good... there are still times I'll choose the pizza even though I know it'll make me feel crappy. It's so weird.

I've often thought about the strength of the human body... I don't think we give it nearly enough credit. Sugar isn't good for us, we know that, and yet our bodies can adapt to a high-sugar diet if we force it too. Eventually it'll get overwhelmed and start to put on weight, but it can take an incredible amount before that happens.

Thanks again for your comments... I really super appreciate it!

No problem man. Have the courage to not fight against your instincts and current emotional state even if it doesn't feel as good. That courage can pay off with new insights and perspectives you never would have thought of. When you choose unhealthy food or feel low energy, you are not broken at all. There may be an even deeper lesson that is more valuable to realize than simply being happy and energetic.

Good luck

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