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RE: DTube - Caught On Tape: Illegal Immigrants In Quebec Attempting To Court Women For Marriage

in #dtube7 years ago

and yes Im aware of that, thanks. I get the earthquake situation and how Clinton destroyed those countries. All Im saying is, lets take care of our own people first than we can start to take of everyone else. I dont get why we have to help out everyone all the time


With regards to Syria yes the peace will come soon. There is no money to be made there anymore. The US and Saudi Arabia won't get to build their pipeline thru Syria and Israel won't be able to snatch up anymore Syrian land. Russia is responsible for making sure none of that will happen as no one is willing to risk war with Russia to win small prizes with their stupid games. There will be no regime change. Assad will remain in power and peace will slowly return. Its game over for the West and its regime change plans there. Putin didn't send Russian forces there to save Assad's ass he sent them to make sure Syria won't be a repeat of Iraq or Libya. For now it looks like that is a job well done. ISIS is nearly wiped out and the FSA is long dead and buried. There's a few pockets of NATO backed terrorists to deal with yet but ISIS for the most part is done for in Syria at least. What's left of those groups will likely pack up and head for the next objective. That of course being Iran.

As for Haiti. You're right Canada is in no way responsible for anything that happened there or obligated to help out but we can't deport people with the knowledge that their likely going to die a slow death. Theres nothing there to send them back to. And the way I see it if they were able to get all the way to Canada from Haiti with just their feet than they deserve a chance to call this country home at least for awhile. If they can survive such a struggle just to get here they will certainly be hardworking members of whatever communities that take them in. Some may be criminals or have committed crimes in-order to survive their ordeal but there are no extremists among them to worry about. They have no grudge against Canada. We didn't do anything to them but you're right to say we don't owe them anything either with exception to making sure we're not sending them home to catch deadly diseases or starve to death in some shanty town.

We're Canada. We're known for helping people in need. At least we used to be anyway. Our actions with NATO have done a lot of damage to our rep recently but helping Haitians is a cheap way to get back some of that rep. Either we man up or remain lackey in US regime change schemes. I'd rather our taxes be spent helping people than sending our troops to die in some sand trap on the other side of the world. Wouldn't you?

yes of course id rather help people than send people to die. But from what Ive seen in those videos, they arent hard off immigrants, most of them were sporting fresh gear - new kicks, jeans, hats etc and even had the newest Iphones. all Im saying is if were gonna help people, lets help the ones that actually need it

They wouldn't have acquired those things in Haiti. They must have bought them while in the US and if they bought them they must have been working, albeit likely illegally but working nonetheless.

Perhaps we should put an end to the Temporary Foreign Workers scheme and let these folks fill those jobs instead. At least they would contribute to our society instead of sending whatever they earn back home like the TFWs do.

Ya maybe your right. and yes if we can get them real work and off of the welfare state that would be ideal and great. but unfortunatley we dont do that and Trudeau doenst care to not get them off that. its the vicious cycle of liberal MP's, hence why Trump won, americans were sick of liberal propoganda. Im not saying hes the best, but he sure is better than a liberal.

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