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RE: Buyers remorse - Cognitive dissonance - Opportunity costs

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

As I explained in the video. I thoroughly researched the company and products. (Due diligence).

This was more to do with the process we all go through when contemplating the 'value' of something...anything. Steem for example.

The games the mind plays when trying to reach a decision.

Basically it comes down to.

Do I value the money over this guitar?

The answer is that the guitar has more utility 'to me' long term than the money I exchanged it for.

I was going to sell some steem but decided that steem has more value to me than fiat long term.

So I spent the fiat and lucky I did too. Sterling is falling against the euro!

Welcome to Brexit! 😋

PS there is a 30 day money back guarantee if it sucks!

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