
NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS! Just the North Tower literally being processed into dust before our very eyes before it ultimately froths up into a giant thick dust cloud... MOVE ALONG FOLKS!

NOTE: That's not "wind" causing the thick dust to pour out of one side, and one side only, of the WTC 1 North Tower. The wind itself was very mild on 9/11, and which I will cover in great detail further in this series so stay tuned!

See Original Video at Normal Speed:

How much profit can be made using the Dtube tag, and what are the advantages,

Hmmm not sure. I just use that tag when I upload to DTube for now. Definitely worth investigating!

It must have been Osama Bin Laden and his 40 Goat Fuckers, no other way.
Because otherwise it would mean that the Govrenment kills it's own people, lies to them for decades and we do not have a single "Good" guy in the upper ranks who speaks out. And that can't be...right??? Even dear Mr. Assange of Wikileaks and Mr.Noam Chomsky get annoyed by conspiracy theories, and they are good guys on our side, right???
Thanks for posting. Followed.

Yup, definitely the guy with the goats behind such a sophisticated plot!

Unfortunately I lack scientific background, but in my humble mind this MUST be some kind of Energy weapon that we sheeple have never heard of.
This stuff here seems to be from the same magic origin...

There might be some stuff out there we are not allowed to know...

Hmmm possibly. I haven't look at it in-depth but appears "they" are just taunting us with their light show.

Why would they do that? 80% of the people are still sound asleep. Taunting the awake ones does not seem to have much benefits. One angle might be the proposition Wernher von Braun made long ago about, that the last hoax will be an alien threat...but who knows? To me it looks more like a top secret military project from the same makers of 9/11 and the California fires...

Well I haven't looked into it so take my view with a grain of salt. I'm of the mindset that less than 1% of 1% of people actually have a grasp on reality. The light show and even "fake alien threat" talk is just more fodder for "alternative" outlets to talk about, while the global police state continues its unheeded course.

You make an excellent point here. I am inclined to think that way myself. We always have to ask "Why are they feeding us this information now?". Most of the time it is just distraction from more important things happening in the background.

Yup. Also with so many distractions it's difficult to verify with certainty what is going on with many of them. And if we get one wrong, it will discredit verifiable and more important topics such as 9/11. That's why I just I have the position that until 9/11 is resolved and #FreeEnergy is disclosed, everything else is by default a PsyOp/Hoax/Government Lie/Propaganda/Etc. unless 100% proof is given.

And thanks for following!! =D

My pleasure. Looking forward to more interesting stuff :)

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