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RE: The harmful effects of brainwashing education since childhood

in #dtube5 years ago

try 3speak ... more rewards there and the video will work indefinately...

it is crazy tho that some of my friends see the communist party as their religion or even are ok with them putting people into concentration camps, after first denying it for long until i showed them sufficient evidence... the uighur are only the most recent religion they put into camps, while the persecution of falun gong has been ignored by western media for 20 years now... some advice me "why do you care? its safer not to care." ... some get angry that i talk about their country...


Thanks for your information regarding 2speak. I will try it in the following video.

Although the avatar is quite small, but I can recognize that you are a Falun Gong practitioner. I want to tell you that. I am Vietnamese and in my country Falun Gong is also hindered by the government from practicing, or making it difficult.
I have also wacthed of Master's videos (translated into Vietnamese) many times but I haven't been able to practice until now, maybe I do not have predestined :(so bad. And I also know what happened to Falun Gong practitioners in China, maybe even worse than what I know.

Changing mindsets takes time, many people are mentally oriented from birth to adulthood. Therefore, changing their minds takes time and in this era I hope a lot with the support of the internet and I am also waiting for free wifi worldwide, I am sure the good news will soon come with us.

Thank you for being here @maxsieg

im sorry but im not falun gong. my avatar is the movie cover "human harvest" which uncovers the organ harvest of living falun gong. falun gong in my city organize sometimes documentary screening to bring awareness to western countries that these attrocities happen, so they can create laws such as a ban on organ tourism to china.

since im german and i find it contradicting how ignorantly western countries trade with china, knowing many of the chinese goods are produced in a concentration camp, while after the second world war people mourned about the concentration camps saying "ignorance allowed these attrocities to happen".... now they happen again and no body gives a shit and it pisses me off...

You are a wonderful person
I think the government is not for humanitarian purposes, they have other goals. So civil society is born to balance. I hope more humane organizations in the future and with the help of the internet, all information barriers can be removed and hopefully horrible things will never happen again!

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