
I just watched your report and I believe you could have just set the timeline for the official start of WW III.

  • Jan 9th meeting with North Korean leader is a disaster
  • Jan 9th - 18th breaking political news in the U.S. as massive shake-up occurs and reports of scandals including treacherous and even treasonous acts against the U.S. Government and the American people is reported.
  • At least one large-scale terrorist attack in the U.S. and possibly its allies.
  • Unrest, fear and violence in the U.S. as high profile criminals and traitors are rounded up.
  • On or around Jan 18 there is a flashpoint event, a false flag or an instigated confrontation. This will escalate as other hotspots begin to erupt into fighting one by one.

The United States has been threatening war and fighting wars since 9-11 over the fate of the Petro Dollar, will they just throw up their hands now and say "Okay, okay, you called our bluff and we lost?" Or will they play their hand with all-out war? Either way, it is terrible news for me and the rest of the U.S. citizens, but if it is to be war then it is terrible news for the entire world. 🙁

This is not a prophecy and it is not based on any real or confirmed intelligence reports. This is simply from my opinion of what could happen after looking at the current overall geopolitical situation. I am just a regular guy sitting at my computer in my man cave and I have no access whatsoever to any inside information or secrets, but I do often show a very active imagination. Thus this is more of a question than an answer, I'm just looking at current news stories and trying to draw potential conclusions and create scenarios. The above statement is the extreme of those potential conclusions and just one of many possible scenarios, most of which do not end with war 😎.

@deaconlee You might very well be right as it seems that there is a war behind the scenes amongst the powers that be and the losing faction (deep state or shadow government) could very well engineer some kind of calamitous event (WWIII?) in order to bury everything else that is going on behind the scenes.

Absolutely, my thoughts exactly. God help us if they do, it is unfortunate but true that people are capable of unspeakable evils. 😢

Thanks for the market update maneco64, yes i agree about the dollar and the downward pressure will continue as the us gets to grip with having to take the medicine of losing its unipolar status, multi polar is the fast approaching new game and its gold trade certificates through a blockchain currency system.

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