Brexit: Road to Freedom or Major Distraction?

in #dtube6 years ago

In this report, I cover the early market action from London on Wednesday, January 16th, 2019. I look briefly at the precious metals, the stock market, the dollar, the bond market and the price of oil.

Today I look into the ongoing Brexit Saga and what I think it is all about. In my videos prior to and just after the Referendum to leave or remain in the EU I pointed out several times that I thought the exercise was a major distraction to keep the public from looking at the real culprit s behind the economic malaise in the UK.

My view has not changed and even though leaving the EU or Brussels bureaucracy is a step in the right direction I think that until we have a major reform or transformation of our monetary and banking system political and economic freedom will be just an illusion.

My conclusion is that it does not really matter greatly if are ruled by Brussels or Westminster as it is the bankers who issue the money who are really in charge for now.

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"Confiscation through the debasement of the currency" Do you mean COUNTERFEITING? Don't want to upset the handlers. The US CONSTITUTION does not have clause to punish "Currency Debasers", "Fiat Money" makers, "out of thin air" Money introducers. Call it anything but what it actually is. THE US CONSTITUTION stands against COUNTERFEITING. Austrian Economics cheerleaders fail!

Why do you think I call it a fraudulent system? It’s because the money is counterfeit! Are you a complete moron or are you just trying to be an annoying bastard? I think the latter. As I said you muppet I don’t have any handlers. You are probably gas lighting and you are the one who has what you call handlers. I’ve given you the platform to comment here even though I blocked you on YouTube but I will probably be muting you here too as you are totally unreasonable and an effing muppet.

Well I hope you being blocked by the "man" ;-) doesn't stop you from receiving this comment.

You clearly haven't seen more than two of @maneco64 videos because if you had you would understand that your (at least if your comments are honest) on the same side as us or at least me (I will just speak for myself), these are banksters committing fraud with counterfeit "money" and screwing us over.

So before you go being a dick and start making ignorant accusations do some research, which it sounds like you have started doing regarding Money and the Constitution.

Which brings me to my second comment, maybe this is why you are being overly agressive.
The pursuit of knowledge in directions of Money and Freedom have some very dark realities that will make a person very angry.
Proceed with Caution.

Can you expand on this? I'm not sure what you are saying.

Austrian Economics cheerleaders fail!

It's gone beyond a joke at this stage. They don't even know what they are trying to achieve other than break away from the EU and they really don't know how they are going to do it. It just becomes more farsical every day as we watch the news. The government is scattered between multiple opinions and a lot of them don't seem to even know what they are talking about so it can only spell disaster to me going forward.

Posted using Partiko Android

Maybe all the pussy fag white boys will stop swallowing ?

Maneco64, Your opinion does great harm to those you claim you wish to inform. 100 years of counterfeiting called banking and theft called investment is not enough to see the fallacy? Now, instead of correcting and calling things as they are, you wish to evade and say "I am just like everyone else and have an opinion?" Your opinion, that the bankers are not counterfeiting is a great dis-service to those who admire the Constitution of the United States of America.

Maneco64, your view is obfuscated by the turkeys with which you associate. Your handlers do not permit you to say COUNTERFEITING not because they may have to change their lifestyle and do something productive but because they are choosing injustice over justice, cowardice over courage, corruption over excellence. Cheers!

Well if you had been listening to my videos for a while I have used the term counterfeit many times and have said how the banking and central banking system is a complete fraud so I really don’t know what else you want me to say. I would also argue that since 1933 the US Constitution has been abandoned and that the US has been under martial law. I don’t see you pointing that out! Does that mean you are a disservice to those who admire the US Constitution?

The answer to debt is more debt . According to the tax extortionists. Just ask the yellow vests their opinion.

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