Orthodox Jews Attacked By Zionist Forces With Skunk Water Cannons

in #dtube7 years ago

I talk often about the vast chasm between Judaism and zionism, the actions yesterday of the zionist forces really underlines that difference.

This is what happens when true Jews stand up against the "most moral army" by refusing to be drafted.

If you'd like to learn more about the difference between zionism and Judaism

READ "The Difference Between Judaism and Zionism" By G. Neuburger. Below is a small excerpt:

For over 60 years I have fought Zionism, as did my father before me, and I am therefore quite familiar with it. For those who have been in this fight for only the last ten or twenty years, what I have to say may be surprising or even shocking. Nevertheless these matters must be stated clearly and openly, because unless the disease of Zionism is diagnosed accurately, it cannot be cured. Too long have those opposed to Zionism engaged in daydreaming and wishful thinking. In order to recognize Zionism for what it is, one has to know about Judaism, about Zionism -- the opposite and negation of Judaism, and about Jewish history. In the time allotted to me, I am not going to talk about the actions of the Zionists; they will be adequately dealt with by others. As a Jew, I plan to discuss Zionism, which is rebellion against G-d and treason to the Jewish people.

To learn even more familiarize yourself with the work of Miko Peled and Norman Finkelstein


Seriously babe, it's getting ridiculous.
These Zionist terrorists are now turning on 'their own' - proof as if we needed it that international Zionism has nothing to do with being Jewish anymore. It's a disgrace and I'm sick of the western media defending this shit.
They should hang their heads in shame.

They should hang their heads in shame, yet I bet they'll keep their heads up their arses instead. How anyone cannot see that zionists have hijacked the Jewish religion at this point is beyond me.

The western media are owned by the same ones that are the problem. ZIONISM IS A CANCER UPON THE WORLD!

Zionism is a cancer upon the world! Everyone should read this article. It explains, in a nutshell, exactly what Zionism is, and what it has been doing to the world for over (100) years now. --> http://russia-insider.com/en/acute-zionist-infestation-causing-misery-everywhere/ri21794

Miko Peled, mentioned in Lyndsay's video, is a great, and honest Jewish man, now living in the US. His father was a Zionist General in the Israeli army, and a founder of the state of Israel. Miko Peled was raised a Zionist Jew, believing the lies that are taught. Finally, he came to know the truth, and the horrors of Zionism. Miko has a fantastic book entitled, "The General's Son, Journey of an Israeli in Palestine." I highly recommend it, as I did purchase, and read it myself. If you can't get the book. Miko also has many videos online. I imagine YouTube will be removing them in their new purge, however. I purchased Miko's book on Amazon, as much as I hate them, just like Google, Facebook, and a few others. I suspect Amazon won't continue selling the book, as they are in the middle of their symbolic 'book-burning.' I saw they had discontinued some (70) titles at one time. These were books that weren't favorable to Jews. Get it while you can, if you still can.


Thank you SO much for all the research you have done, and how powerfully you use your voice!

You're welcome. It's something I believe strongly in.

This is the point I wish more people understood, your very last line: "Not all Jews are Zionists, and certainly not all Zionists are Jews." People who conflate calling out genocide and apartheid with anti-Semitism need to be educated. Do they think these Jewish people are anti-Semites?! Or any if the other Jewish people who protest the wrongs the state of Israel has done? I think not. And all you have to do is get to know even a little about the extreme Christian fundamentalists in America and you'll see that there are probably more Christian Zionists than Jewish ones. Why? Christian extremists believe that once the state of Israel has gotten rid of ALL of the Palestinians and taken over ALL the land, it will trigger the apocalypse, and the Christians (like them, naturally) will be raptured, and the Jews will inherit the Earth (and the rest of us will go to hell).
So, you know, they're all okay with murder and cruelty and hunger and pederasty and genocide and hate, because they think they'll get rewarded in the hereafter for it.

Thanks for watching the vlog PhoenixWren. You are very very informed...I hope many read your words and look into it themselves!

Thanks again @lyndsaybowes for bringing these videos to us and making sure that we talk about and continue to talk about what is happening over in Palestine. It is refreshing to have information from both sides and to hear how the Jewish people feel about the the injustice been done in their name.This is something we definitely donot see in mainstream media. Really like the Norman Finkelstein video, thank you for sharing

You're very welcome, and I'm so happy to have introduced you to Finkelstein...what a shining voice of Reason he is hey?!!

definitely, thanks again

Another 100% upvote for you my faithful warrior.

It is amazing how few realize the difference and the zionist forces out there are intent on killing much of humanity. By the way, not all Zionist are jewish...there are many non-jews who are part of the zionist movement...many of our "elected" leaders are part of it.

The situation you keep pointing out exemplifies the problem. Not all jewish people agree or partake in this slaughter. Yet few are willing to stand up to it. The media uses the distraction to keep eyes off the real problem...naturally, they are part of the zionist empire.

Keep up the good fight. The evil in the world needs to be exposed. We need to keep pointing out the true perpetrators while separating the innocent. Unfortunately, the media has a way of demonizing the innocent while absolving the guilty.

You keep up the good fight too, I can't tell you how good it feels to know there are others in this community who are educated on zionism!!! Thank you for always supporting and always commenting on these posts.

Many had to search far and wide since the msm and politically correct organizations like Facebook either dont cover it or censor the hell out of it.

Zionism has been going on for generation and most of the establishment is involved.

I had seen this socking video on liveleak.com. I knew about the difference of Zionist and Judaism. I also have seen this awesome video by Norman Finkelstein.

Thank you for sharing.

I'm thankful that you are totally aware TeamSteem. <3 That's really great!

the Zionists are making all the Jews in the planet look bad - they are just using the religion to gain what they want for themselves. A religion never teaches people to be cruel or unfair; it's the evil ones who use the religion to justify those things. - thank you for the eye-opening share.

Thanks for your input, I agree, folks who "do evil" will use any justification they can find to make their actions seem OKAY.

right - and they'll pay for that in the afterlife, if not in this one

Good to see this information and the facts here @lyndsaybowes There is such a big difference but many all too often seem to intertwine the two. What helped me in sorting this out was looking at how the term "Israel" is being perceived. In reality it is not Israel but instead the State of Israel.

Once I was able to separate the 2 and researched the history on the Balfour Declaration (and all that has come with it since) I could easily see the difference.

This then brought in the question of course, why does the US fund over 10 million dollars a month to this State of Israel? (I've read this has been increased but can't remember by how much)

Thank you so much for doing your own research @vickiebarker, because that is the only way to find out the truth, as it is hidden by the mainstream media to protect the interests of the so-called 'state of israel'.

You have my vote but it is through the heart, am waiting for refill of voting power LOL

I appreciate you commenting Vickie, it means a lot. We need more voices speaking out so that the masses can finally learn the truth.

Not sure if you know this or not, a research team found the real Mt Sinai split rock in Saudi Arabia. Also it was discovered the area where the golden calf was erected while Moses was up on the mountain. They have fenced off and have armed guards protecting the area where Moses had brought the freed Jews.
It was also discovered that the Jews had walked the whole perimeter of Saudi Arabia and the bible says they will inherit the land that they walked.
You can read about the split rock discovery here:

The area where the golden calf is believed to be built:

Here is a video that explains what this husband & wife found in their 12 years of living in Saudi Arabia and the foot prints of the jews.

Here is a better quality video on the finding of the real Mt. Sinai.

Thank you for passing along these videos, I haven't heard about this!

Oh this is so disgusting @lyndsaybowes ! Its great you clarify the difference between the people of Israel and the political movement which is Zionism ! They are clearly not one and the same, the brave people risking their lives in this filM being the proof ! We should all be clear now who is our enemy and it begins with "Z "and not "J "!

This whole scene is really quite telling, you're right.

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