Overtaxed? What if we just paid for the government services we wanted?

in #dtube7 years ago

Courts, Police, Fire Department and Military. That's what most people want. Government is responsible for the Protection of Life, Liberty and Property. It's in the Constitution.

We are overtaxed. Your labor is taxed and everything you spend that income on is taxed by the companies who create it all the way down to your purchase.

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I'd get off REALLY cheap, since I want nothing from the State (except for it to leave me alone).

But I'm pretty sure the reference to "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness (the weak substitute for property)" is in the Anti-Constitution (the Declaration of Independence).

I found this to be Interesting: "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" versus "Life, Liberty [and] Property"

The Declaration of Independence proclaimed "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" to be inalienable rights, but the Bill of Rights changed the phrase to "life, liberty and property." 1 The intrinsic, emotional desirability of the pursuit of happiness virtually guaranteed its widespread acceptance as a goal of the revolution and enhanced the slogan's motivational effect. In contrast, a common-sense understanding of property as an essential element of "liberty" required rational analysis making it unlikely for such concept to gain widespread understanding. Including "pursuit of happiness" in the revolutionary slogan was redundant but useful, and omitting it from the Bill of Rights subtracted nothing from the concept of "liberty." Inclusion of "property" in the revolutionary slogan was not necessary, nor would it have inspired revolutionary fervor, but the absence of a widespread common-sense understanding of it as an essential component of "liberty" made its inclusion in the Bill of Rights necessary.

I think a major factor in pursuing happiness is the ability to acquire, use, and defend property. So really, they aren't that different.
I generally say "life, liberty, and property".

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