Beautify Steemit #2: Finally hitting dTube with my online Steemit Make-Up Masterclasses! Enjoy my Peach Blossom Eye Make-Up tutorial! 2分钟学会恋爱运爆棚的桃花妆,Kiki教您轻松变身男神收割机!

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Hi there, my dear Steemians!
Today I am very excited and happy to present you my first video for my new dTube series.
I have been planning to set up a channel with my Steemit Make-Up Masterclasses for a while now, so here we are!


As it's already 2018 and spring is slowly, but steadily coming. I have a question to everybody out there!
Are you in love yet? Or maybe no?
Actually it doesn't matter that much as I believe I can help you out with that!
Regardless whether you have found your Mr/Ms Right or not, I can guarantee you that with my new Steemit Make-Up Masterclass series, your single status is not going to last too long!
For those in relationships, I believe that my Make-Up Masterclass series will make you feel and look more fresh, beautiful and younger.
It's never a bad idea to surprise your partner with your new, stunning look, either.
Today I would like to introduce you to my first dTube Steemit Make-Up Masterclass, which is Peach Blossom Eye Make-Up in particular. Ready? Off we go! ;-)

Below you can see the first picture, being a comparison of me without and with the make-up later on. Can you see the difference? (I guess so!) Haha!


In fact, the key thing about Pink Peach Blossom eye make-up is the right match and collocation of eye shadow colours. For this make-up have I chosen matte pink colour and pearly coral colour eye shadows, which, when mixed together, create deep shadow effect, making the look of an eye change gradually. The make-up itself is suitable for variety of ocassions, from family dinners to formal dates. You name it!


Step #1: >>> Basic Make-Up Framework <<<

Before putting the actual make-up, you need to put Primer first.
The purpose of that is making your face look brighter and cleaner.
Use the foundation first, my recommended take would be putting three points on your forehead, one point on the tip of your nose, three points on the cheeks and two on the chin.
Secondly, you need to spread it out gradually and equally all around your face with a puff (the choice of the puff is not really important here).
After that, next thing is using a shading powder - according to the geometry of your face.
I normally put dark coloured shading powder on both sides of the nose and cheeks, bright one on the nose, forehead, brow ridges and top of the cheeks.
Last step should be using your orange/pink colour blush sweep on your Albinus' muscles and that's about it! Your three-dimensional make-up framework is complete!
Let's go to the next step!


Step #2: >>> Shaping The Eyebrows <<<

The second step is shaping your eyebrows. What is important here is drawing the rough outline of your eyebrows with a brown/brownish pencil first. The choice of the colur is quite important here. The colour of the outline should fall inbetween the colour of your hair and eyebrows themselves to minimize the tiny differences of colour of our eyebrows compared with our hair.
After that, you simply use brown pencil altogether with the brown powder to fill in the outline. Yay!


Step #3: >>> Putting On the Eye Shadows <<

What we should do know is using pearly coral colour eye shadows around the eye sockets. That will be a base colour of the make-up around an eye. The second step is using matte pink colour eye shadow. Mind the shapes "∠" and the placement of the pink shadow around an eye - mostly in the corners of the eyes (You can see that either on the video and the picture below).
The mixture of both colours makes either the shape and overall look of your eyes change gradually. We are getting there!
Let your eyes look more sexy and charming! Wait wait, aren't they charming already? ;-)


PS. If you think that the colour is too deep or intense, you can use your finger softly to spread the eye shadows left and right. It will make your eyes look more natural and less contrasting with the colour of the skin around your eyes.

Step #4: >>> Drawing Eyelines <<<

In the next step we are using an eyeliner along the roots of the eyelashes. The closer to the outer part of an eye (looking from the side of the nose), the thinner the line should be. There should be a triangle-like shape drawn where the outer corner of an eye is.
Eyeliner is a very important tool as long as make-ups are consider, one could call it a vital part of the whole make-up.
It gives your make-up an ultimate visual effect. I like quite strong make-ups personally, so the black eyeliner is my most common choice.
If you like to look elegant and you are not really that into strong make-ups, you could consider using a brown one. The final effect will differ as it will look softer compared with the black one.


Step #5: >>> Using the Glitter Powder <<<

Draw next line at the bottom, outer part of an eye starting from 2/3 of the overall length of the lower contour of an eye - use matte, pink colour here. Next we should put some glitter powder at the remaining 1/3 of the overall length of the bottom eye contour.
That will make your eyes look more distinct and will slightly soften the effect of the black eyeliner previously used.


Step #6: >>> Putting On the Eyelashes <<<

Remember that there is nothing wrong about wearing artificial eyelashes as long as you do not look like a doll. ;-)
Here is where mascara brushes come in handy - proper usage of mascara brushes makes your eyelashes look more natural.
Most of the men love that as it does improve your looks a lot - it's like the frosting on the cake.
Thanks to that simple trick, your eyes will look optically bigger, and this is exactly what we want to make the final effect impressive and worth attention.


Step #7: >>> Putting on the Lipstick <<<

Last step! Put on sweet pink series lipstick (the hue of the pink colour depends on you, but I think the one shown in the pictures below goes quite well with the Peach Blossom Eye Make-Up).
That will make you look like a beautiful and sexy peach!


In my opinion, as long as your looks and overall apperance are considered, the combo of a proper make-up and clothing are the keys to success not only in dating, but they can make you feel more confident in daily life as well.
With my step-by-step tutorials, you will definitely attract his attention!
Having all these things said, always remember that the true beauty comes from inside.

I hope that you enjoyed my first post for the new dTube series.
Looking forward to read your comments and opinions.

Next one coming pretty soon! Xoxo!




先来看看Kiki 素颜和桃花妆的对比图和完成图,气色是不是差很大?哈哈


Step #1: 基础妆容准备工作:
上妆前先涂抹妆前乳,可以让你的 底妆更服帖、干净。额头三点、鼻尖一点、两颊各三点、下巴两点,分别涂抹上粉底液。用粉扑晕染均匀,修容棒,根据自己的脸型在鼻子两侧和脸颊两侧用深色部分画上阴影,用亮色部分画在鼻梁 额头,眉骨和颧骨上。最后用橘色腮红横扫一下苹果肌就okay啦,一个基础立体妆容底妆就完成啦!

Step #2: 用发色和眉色的中间色的眉笔,根据自己的眉形先大致描绘出眉形,然后用眉笔或者眉粉把轮廓填充满。

Step #3: 用微微的粉色珠光眼影给眼窝做打底色,将粉色眼影呈“∠”字形涂抹在眼尾处,打造浅深渐变的效果。让眼神更深邃、妩媚。

PS :如果觉得颜色比较深,可用指腹轻点眼影,稍作晕染眼尾涂抹,多次叠加并晕染,看起来更加过渡自然。

Step #4: 用黑色眼线笔沿着睫毛根部描画眼线,越靠近眼头,线条越细,从眼头画至眼尾,着重在眼尾地方填满小三角区。眼线的描绘非常重要!可以让你整个人都更显精神,Kiki个人喜欢化浓妆,所以选择了黑色眼线,如果亲喜欢淡雅一可以用棕色眼线让眼神看起来更柔和。

Step #5: 在下眼睑后面的三分之二处用哑光粉色画出下眼线,并用枚红色眼线笔加深,然后在下眼睑的前三分之一位置用珠光笔画出卧蚕,让你更能散发甜美、温柔的气质。

Step #6: 记得戴上洋娃娃般的假睫毛,虽然用睫毛膏刷出来的睫毛很自然!但是如果让男人产生一种“天生就漂亮”的感觉。一定要带假睫毛!让你的眼睛放大不止一倍!

Step #7: 涂抹上甜美、温暖、粉色系的唇膏,会让看起来就会如水蜜桃般诱人!



▶️ DTube

Wow!!! It's awesome I want to watch more of your DTube videos, very cute! ;-)

thanks dear, O(∩_∩)O





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