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RE: Mind Sex Monday Ep 01 - Introduction

in #dtube5 years ago

I'm familiar with his concepts of the demiurge and the logos but I can't specifically remember anything about the parallel Earth. I can see how it fits into his philosophical gestalt though.

I'm in a transitional phase where I'm trying to transcend the demiurge (or the imagined boundaries of the physical) by using logos(overmind) to create a different reality.

I've had some excellent results lately too. I try to bend my reality to my will lately rather than accepting it as pre-ordained and set in stone.


It's a parallel where the greeks keep going, shamanism reigns, and space exploration begins in the 1400's

Posted using Partiko Android

Where in Oz are you? Would you be up for being a guest on Collab Sundays to talk about your logos works?

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm a few stones throws north of Newcastle.

That sounds like an idea Bob, I'm a bit busy for the next week or so but it would be great to be a guest on your show. You'll have to clue me in on how it all works and we'll see what can come up with.

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