Let's Literally Take Steem to the Moon

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Introducing the #SteemWasHere Challenge

Hey everybody. I took a trip to Taiwan recently and was able to go atop Taipei 101 which is one of the tallest buildings in the world! According to Wikipedia, the height of the inside observatory is 391.8 m (1285 ft) high. I recorded a video of myself talking about #Steem while at this height and thought of a cool new idea.

taipei 101.jpg

Let's set a challenge for people to literally take #Steem to the moon.

I have created 2 challenges:

Challenge #1: World Record for Tallest Height In (or on top of) a Building

For this challenge, the world record will be given to whoever can provide video proof of them talking about Steem at the tallest height inside or on top of a building.

As of now, I currently hold the world record for mentioning Steem at a height of 391.8m in Taipei 101. Anybody who can provide video proof of them mentioning Steem at a higher height above ground (higher floors within Taipei 101 or taller building) will dethrone me!

Challenge #2: World Record for Highest Altitude

This challenge is simply about altitude. Whoever can bring provide video proof of bringing Steem to the highest altitude will become the world record holder. For example, if you are 33,000 ft in the air on an airplane, you could record a video of yourself talking about Steem while in the airplane (making sure the altitude provided by the airplane is shown in your video). You could attach the Steem logo to a drone and fly it up in the air. You could climb a really tall mountain and record yourself there. There are many things you could do. As long as you have video proof of mentioning Steem and a credible source for your altitude.

Unfortunately for me, I forgot to record a video of myself while on an airplane! As a result, the world record for this challenge is still held by me but for only 391.8 m above ground (from Taipei 101). This record shouldn't be too difficult to surpass for a lot of people!

Submitting Your Entry

You can post your video on DTube or YouTube. Make sure you add the hashtag #SteemWasHere to your post and mention me. I will be managing this and will provide update posts whenever someone has successfully broken the current world record!

I will even try to get a badge made that you can add to your posts to let everyone know that you are the current world record holder! (TBA)

5 SBD Reward

The first person to beat one of my records will receive 5 SBD from me! The next record holder can then create their own reward for the next person that beats them!

What Do You Think?

Let's do it folks! I am not sure if other blockchain communities are doing this as well. If not, we could be known as the first community that literally took our blockchain to the moon!

Thanks for reading & watching

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Social Media

Website: http://SimplyElated.com

Instagram: https://instagram.com/KenanQHD
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KenanQHD
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@kenanqhd
MeiPai: @柯南QHD
Weibo: @柯南QHD

▶️ DTube


It's a really brilliant initiative, I don't think I'll take an air trip soon, and the closest one will be for me to climb a mountain, this is a new innovative way of talking about steem because it'll involve the significance of altitude plus the uniqueness of the location wow.

Maybe consider a hot air balloon ride...

Pretty cool eh? If that mountain is over 391.8 m high, then you will hold the new record for challenge #2! Heck, you could just add an entry for the fun of it even if it isnt a record. It will help inspire others to go higher!

Thanks for resteeming!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah I definitely shared on twitter too, people could take a cue from this, it's another way of promoting steem, wow what a record already to compete with

Thanks for promoting on twitter. I still can't get my VPN working =( No twitter for me yet...

Lol I definitely will not reach those heights... A fun contest. Will share on twitter.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks a lot bro. Just try to get as high as possible. It will be a fun activity for everyone and you can inspire others to go to new heights.

Thanks for resteeming and sharing on twitter!

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm trying to build a spaceship in my spare time. It will be a posh resort, but I could take some Steem with me.

The aliens shouldnt have a problem with you bringing steem up there. Double check just to be sure though.

Posted using Partiko Android


What currency do aliens use??

Posted using Partiko Android

Hmmm, this is interesting. I never knew something like this existed but I am not sure how to use it. Can people add to the bounty? I wouldn't wanna be the only one putting a bounty for someone to put Steem on the moon lol.

Omg, I'm afraid of highs and this is a challenging proposal for me. I'll figure out how to do this because I want to take Steem to the moon too.

Ill help motivate you: if you dont do it, i will downvote every post of yours for eternity 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Ha ha ha ha ha! No, don't do that

Posted using Partiko Android

ah, that'd be mount everest to be closest to the moon and if anyones gonna do that i'd suggest pack some viagra to open air passages to breathe there (among other things). I'd take an expedition there but i'm not financial.

Do people actually take viagra to hike up mount everest? Wow

Posted using Partiko Android

Good great I like your challenge ! I will go to the summit of a big mountain in the Andes and record it there ! Maybe near 4000 mts or maybe more luckily

Posted using Partiko iOS

Awesome. Would love to see that.

wow, you went that high, lol, that's probably one step away from the moon. I don't think I will be on a flight anytime soon. So I guess I'll pass.

No mountains in your area? Balloons? Drones?

You didn't mention how many SBD we'd get for literally taking Steem to the moon...

Lol yeah i forgot to mention it in the blog. On video, i said i will give 5 SBD to the first person that beats one of my records. Then, that person can create their own reward for the next person that beats theirs and so on.

But all in all, we dont even need a reward. Taking Steem to the moon is the reward!

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, I totally watched the whole video... but your title was about literally taking Steem to the moon, so I was just wondering if there was a special SBD prize if we can literally getting it to the moon. Just wondering if the prize is big enough to call in a few favours...

Your boy Elon Musk might do it for the right price eh?

Posted using Partiko Android

Cool idea, I’ll be sure to give it a try

Posted using Partiko iOS

Would love to see it man

Posted using Partiko Android

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