Why The Chinese Don't Want Democracy

in #dtube5 years ago

It's time for people the understand the inherent problems with democracy. I agree that democracy has many positive features about it that make it desirable for developed countries. However, let's not get caught inside our echo chambers by thinking anything other than democracy is oppressive and unsophisticated. Authoritarian government powers are able to address the populace and control them when they cannot be relied on to control themselves. People like to see governments are cruel and citizens as the victims, but who else is going to keep this country functioning properly when the citizens don't want to take responsibility for their actions and the property around them?

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We don't have a "Democratic Government" in Amerika. We have a Representative "Democracy" which is barely a real democracy at all. Especially when the candidates are reduced down to Coke, Pepsi & a Mountain Dew (which never wins) and the voices of citizens are not really taken seriously unless backed up by $$$ or power. We could and should be able to vote on local issues that affect the states we live in, (esp with block-chain) and occasionally do get these on the ballot. But the major decisions, like tax structures and WHERE that tax money goes, (Banksters, Corporate Welfare & the War Machine) we have no say.

Nailed it!

Posted using Partiko Android

Now that was some food for thought. It makes a lot of sense, the more educated ones make the decisions in their field. People need to be heard but I agree gotta do what makes sense. This video also makes me think of the blockchain.

Nice location and b roll , that kid and grandma made me see a playful side of china:)

Thanks dude! The grandma enhanced the video lol.

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If your taking a cruise accross the Atlantic, who do you want making the decisions from charting the seas to provisions/rations etc;

the passengers or the educated/trained crewmen?

Most would chose the crewmen and trained personnel— then, why on Earth do we let the passengers decide where to lead an entire country. Foolish at it's core, don't believe me... ask the Muricans who elected the other Donald. 🙄

I've been saying this my whole life, open-free-pure democracy is blatantly flawed but plays very nicely with it's best buddy— Capitalism.

Yes, Socrates knew about the potential dangers of democracy.

Thats the thing about democracy: it worked with capitalism and having citizens that took responsibility for their actions. The point is to LIMIT government control and allow the free market to operate. The government was only responsible for managing the country, not leading it.

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Popularity is an important qualification of a good leader. It is not the only one, of course. It's not even the most important. But it is important. The real problem with democracy is when you try to use the vote to find a single "best" leader. There is no single "best" leader. Too many chiefs isn't nearly as bad as not enough chiefs.

Why isnt there a “best” leader? You arent making sense to me.

People want the best leader for their country. Voting is one method but it has flaws. Imagine holding an election with a bunch of 5 year olds voting. The 5 year olds are highly unlikely to vote for the most competent leader because they may not like what he says. The same can be said when uneducated people are voting.

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What I mean is, in order for society to function optimally, you need a leader for each functioning unit within society. It is impossible for a single person to be the most qualified expert for even two of these roles, let alone all of them. The best you can manage is a jack of all trades. But a jack of all trades is a master of none. This truth can be demonstrated by observing the existence of advisors. No leader has ever been successful without the aid of advisors. In fact, there is a direct correlation between the quality of a leader and the cohesiveness of the advisors. The simple truth is that the best person for such a role is one who has no leadership skills. In fact, what they do need in vast excess is analytical skills. But the point is moot because their role is that of an unnecessary middle man. If you have experts leading each functioning unit within society, there is no need for them to even communicate with each other. Their jobs are that unrelated.

While they have advisors, they need to make decisions. People dont agree with each other easily and just because an advisor says something, it doesnt mean he is ultimately right. A leader needs confidence and a strong vision. Analysis is good but you need someone to get everyone to follow through even though they might not agree with what is being done.

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Imagine society as a single organism. Each person in society is like a single cell of that organism. Your body is not fully controlled by your brain. Your heart does not have to wait for permission from your brain to pump faster. If it did, you'd die pretty easily. To relate that to society, you could think of blood as money or some universal resource. I'm not going to explain it any further; you have an imagination for a reason. Figure out the rest of the details yourself. It's not that difficult.

The main problem with democracy, and it is a big problem, is that there are always winners and losers and the losers don't take lightly to losing and the winners think winning is a free to do what they want card. In the end a person who does not agree with the winner has to suck it up, even if the winner or winning proposition is in reality bad for the country or people.

The good thing is that bad leaders can be voted out next election but you made a good point. I think those that voted for Justin Trudeau in Canada learned that the hard way.

Democracy is essentially “mob rule” and that can get ugly. Needless to say that dictatorships can become even worse most of the time. People just want a way to have the best leader for their country.

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You see that is the problem, you vote in let's say the other party and this guy is just as bad to the losers as the previous one was to the ones who today are winners. The government is always in the hands of people whom over 50% of the people don't agree with.

That makes sense lol. Like in South Park, “you are either voting for a douchebag or a turd sandwich.”

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personally i dont believe democracy works at all cuz majority of the worlds history has been ruled by lineage and even todays modern society obsession over royal/noble blood aka game of thrones shows that we dont really believe in democracy we just use it cuz its the standard for a modern civilization i hope that more people see this cuz the western ruling elites are very similar to the royals of the past except there is a personnel interest for wealth at the expense of others suffering

Governments exist because they are attending to a need. Despite their corruption, they are still responsible for solving problems.

If the citizens can solve these problems on their own, then they dont need a government to do it for them. However, that is very difficult for people to do.

Do you think we all have a deep down desire to be controlled by a royal family/dictatorship? Lol

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Chinese culture is not necessarily incompatible with things like democracy, rule of law and division of powers. Taiwan is much more like a Western democracy these days POC. It took 2-3 generations but it's doable.

Its doable but the mentality of the citizens needs to be shocked.

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Rule of law and decentralized power structures are much more important than popular vote in itself. Independent courts are a must because otherwise you can't have property rights. And how can you have independent courts in a dictatorship?

very interesting video, some very valid points. Sadly i think all aspects of any kind of control will always be open to corruption. It all comes down to what you said - education. But can we educate as to teach people to love and respect one another? If we can then we can build trust in a government to do its own thing. I couldn't imagine anything worse than if America had that kind of power over its people. Great video, i love getting a different perspctive.

The corruption is a reminder of how little responsibility people want to take. Its an inherent consequence of relying too much on authority instead of utilizing your own individual power due to fear.

America isnt like this because americans are better educated in taking action and speaking up when you see something wrong happening. The same is true in Canada. As children, we were always taught to stand up for what is right and speak up to injustice we witness. In China, people are told to avoid conflict and confrontation because it disrupts harmony and makes people lose face. Both have consequences.

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I think China is literally the most free country in the world, there’s still laws and rules , yet everyone still does their own thing usually with no consequences 😂

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Nobody does anything when people are screwing around other than the authorities. If the authorities arent there, this place is anarchy 😆

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Lol yep, most of the time also policemen in this country command the same amount of respect as a Burger King worker 😂

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