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RE: The Rainbow Gathering: 5 Decades of Beta-Testing Anarchist Society (Full Essay & 40-Minute Presentation from Anarchapulco)

in #dtube6 years ago

Phew...long article. Admittedly, I skimmed a bit of it.
I like the statement that is made by choosing federal land to gather on. I might have missed it, but I didn't notice you mentioning that?
The Magna Carta established two legal principles that are designed to limit the violence of the state:

  1. No one is above the law, imposed by the state and enforced with violence.
  2. The open lands are not controlled by kings/queens. They are part of the "commons," and not owned, but available to the people.
    Most land is now owned by people or controlled by the violence of the state. By choosing national forests, we choose land owned by #WeThePeople...part of the Commons...we can gather without ASKING ANYONE for permission!!!
    Unfortunately, the state no longer recognizes these is good that the ideal is included in this cultural experiment.

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