YouTube is Dead. Putting the Nails into its Own Coffin.

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)


I’ve received two notifications from YouTube in the past week.

The first informed me that because my smaller account doesn’t get enough views, monetization is no longer enabled:


The second informed me that one of
my videos had been removed because, basically, someone just didn’t like it:


Penalizing free speech. Classy. The age of Dtube is here.

The only reason I use YouTube anymore sometimes is for the ease of upload, the good thumbnails, and the reliable playback.

That said, Dtube is gonna get there soon, and instead of getting railroaded like a second-class citizen, each user can enjoy making money—often a lot—through their own hard work, all on a totally censorship-free platform. I can’t wait to watch the dinosaurs die.




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


YouTube is shooting itself in the foot. They will regret their decision but it will be too late

They must think that their position as the leader of video content is indisputable , it makes me remember the good old days of blackberry, when they decided to not adopt the touch model, and iOS & Android ended up ruling the market.

If youtube starts to arbitrary block people's opinion, eventually everyone will realize it and start to take action. Which would result in the massive adoption of a new platform that respects free speech, it could be @dtube (lets hope) but it could as well be any other video platform that uses blockchain technology to protect free speech. I really don't understand why these big companies (google, FB) are making this mistakes.

This will end up costing not only millions, but their positions as leaders of the internet.

Lately, you can see a lot of successful youtubers show up on Steemit and this tendency will surely continue in the future. I just watched Furious Pete's latest videos about his youtube partnership and he compared his incomes in December of 2016. and 2017., and he said there was a 90% percent decrease between of those 2 monthly incomes.
And there is the other question, the censorship... If your opinion about a topic differs from the mainstream media's you either get censored, silenced or ridiculed. Nowadays political correctness is getting out of hand, and this whole proccess is assissted by small but loud groups of hypocrites. Sometimes I just can't believe what I see/read.

Google's parent company Alphabet is up to some super shady shit right now

Yes, YouTube is a sad place. I think eBay met the same fate. I started selling there 19 years ago and rarely even go there now. Auctions are removed because someone didn't like it....huge corporations get massive discounts on fees, while the little guys pay the difference in fees being raised. Same story everywhere I suppose.

I never dreamed of a place like Steemit, where you can say what you like, trade, sell, rant, whatever...and get paid a little for doing it!
Thanks @kafkanarchy84

Wow. No more auctions on Ebay!? I thought Ebay was auctions...

Yep. I had a friend who started providing some legit competition to big outlet stores on Amazon selling video games and he was booted and told the account was breaking the rules, while all the major outlet stores kept on selling using the same methods.

I never dreamed of a place like Steemit, either!

Well, the auctions are still around, but most people that I know don't use eBay much. And as a seller, I'm tired of them for sure.

i just want to say that this is harsh and youtube is doing absolutely wrong, they only going to support the huge channels and no more support for new or small channels and i think the end result of this change will be bad because peoples will start leaving the youtube and youtube will only have certain viewers and creator's and this is not going to produce any good results for them.

They fucked me too. By demonetizing my account I mean. I'd only actually accumulated about $50 anyway (I don't really do videos, they were always just experimental), HOWEVER, on principle I am going to take everything off YouTube.

Unfortunately I have a problem with @Dtube - I'm very reluctant to upload any quality content and have it undervalued compared to the shit that the controller of the @Dtube account regularly and seemingly randomly upvotes.

It's just too insulting.

P.S. Not that my silly little cartoon and educational vodcasts are particularly good quality (they're not that great TBH) but I'm just reluctant to support a platform that's got no standards, especially when I don't even know whose behind it.

I hear you. I dunno, though, I still think it might be good to make the transition, regardless the “Dtube gods’” voting patterns. Your friends and new audience can still vote, and your almost guaranteed to make more than with YouTube if you stick with it. Just my two cents, though.

Yup I probably will transfer everything but I'm in no rush.

Just venting my irritations.

That is totally nuts! You are the third person I’ve heard of having this problem this week and I’m not talking about really far out there stuff. What was the topic?

Fuck them, we don’t need them. If I remember correctly you said you are going to be steeming full time from now? Don’t be discouraged! You can do it! A really tiny setback, that’s all.

I was talking about the Orlando nightclub shooting. Yep, full time writing with one side gig. Thanks man. I really need/appreciate the encouragement!

Yeah, that topic seems to be a no-no unless you add “ban all guns” in the title. Apparently they are demonetizing and cutting stuff on both sides of the political spectrum which express any opinion not resembling the one expressed by the mass media.

Great, unite us!

I have long ago abandon my youtube channel. Uploading a Dtube video soon. My earnings on youtube on my adsense keeps reducing and reducing and I wonder if they mean well for the users. @dtube all the way

YouTube seems determined to screw over the people who are the ONLY reason it exists.

Fuck Youtube!
I Don't know why are doing this :3 fucking bastards.
D-tube will revolutionize the world of videos creators.

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