
I am on board with almost everything Macy says here. But I do not believe that everyone who does an Aya ceremony needs to do it many times. I, personally did it once in the Brazilian Amazon. This one ceremony caused an immediate spontaneous Kundalini Awakening to begin. I think things could have been quite dark and critical - possibly even not continued for me if I had done more ceremonies after my initial one.
Other than that, I completely agree with her. It is serious business and there is no going back once you jump. Mother Aya is an amazing gift, but you must be ready to commune with her.

Nice post

Makes sense that Ayahuasca is so powerful, however what about DMT? People are usually fine after they wake up, I've heard.

I'm thinking of bringing my group psychedelics and philosophy from FB to here. I sure could use a success story to motivate them. IMG_9784.PNG

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