DTube - Using The Wrong Gender Pronoun May Get You IMPRISONED In California!

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

using wrong gender pronoun may get you imprisoned in california thumbnail.png

Watch DTube - Using The Wrong Gender Pronoun May Get You IMPRISONED In California! video on DTube

One of my latest reports! Loving posting on DTube. Of course I promote both DTube and YouTube versions as I have to eat but I'm happy to support this incredible platform!

Here's full original article:

Josh Sigurdson reports on a new bill proposed in California by San Francisco Senator Scott Wiener which would imprison and fine medical care workers who use the incorrect gender pronouns.

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Long-Term Care Facility Resident’s Bill of Rights (or SB-219) tells medical or long term care workers that if someone says they're a different gender and they accidentally still call them the biological gender, the workers can be imprisoned for up to a year and fined $1000.

This is reminiscent of the Canadian Bill C-16 (which is about to become official law according to the Parliament) where you can be imprisoned for more than a year and fined for assuming someone's gender. So if a biker with a big beard comes up to you and you say "Hello sir!" and he gets offended, you could be charged with a hate crime and sentenced to prison.

And freedom of speech falls with thunderous applause.

Feelings are not rights. Freedom is intrinsic within us. We're born with it. They are not given to you by the state and the fact that so many feel like people should be imprisoned because they're triggered shows where people's priorities are.
These virtue signalling dopes who act as if they care so much are just modern day aristocrats who only care about themselves and their feelings. Interesting how reminiscent that is to the nazis who beat up and imprisoned anyone they disagreed with, if not worse.

These collective fools who travel in packs don't actually care about anyone. If they did, they wouldn't focus on feelings, they'd focus on the vast debt and poverty the populace is faced with today. Or the military industrial complex getting stronger by the day (which strangely the left used to care about, but I guess it was just trendy and fashionable).
These dependent trust fund college kids with daddy issues are just trying to impress their lame friends.

The elites benefit on this chaos. They grin ear to ear as they grow the control complex around us all because some fools are worried about feelings.

Jerry Brown in California and Justin Trudeau in Canada are chomping at the bit.

If we let this go any further we may as well bend over to Orwell's eery prediction. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

Stay tuned for more from WAM! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow!


lol I used the wrong thumbnail for this video. Dammit! Anyone know how to change it on DTube?

You can't. This will live on as long as the blockchain exists. ;)

So, 400 years then?

lmao DAMN!
Well you can edit Steemit posts. Ought to have a setting for this :P

Yes you can edit Steemit posts and you can change everything you posted via DTube. However, the changes will not be done on DTube. Apparently some people check the videos directly there. And the thumbnail is probably locked-in for now. Maybe that add a feature soon.

You can also use the correct image above the video to change the preview thumbnail.

Fucking hell. I support the LGBT community but this shit is too much.

I hear you! It's insane!

This is simply ridiculous. And what if somebody just make mistake without a bad intention?
For me it is a waste of time and money for such a stupid law.

I think that heterosexuals and homosexuals are a state of psychological illness that arises during sexual identity in childhood. This is what many studies prove, but we have to take care of them and correct their sexual tendencies, we find many who promote them as part of the human being and he created so but this Just nonsense .

finally , please check out my posts if you have time, keep staking :)

Ok bro.firsty i say that your post is good.i resteem your post.i realy hope this post will be in hot list.wish you best of luck

Makes sense. We need to lock medical workers in cages so they can't do their job just because they offended someone.

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