DTube - TOP 10 JFK Assassination Smoking Guns (2017 Documentary)

in #dtube7 years ago

One of our recent documentaries! See the original article below:

In this brand new documentary, Josh Sigurdson breaks down the top ten JFK assassination smoking guns.
Following the announcement that President Donald Trump would follow through with Senate Bill 3006 and release the rest of the Kennedy assassination documents which are likely to be highly redacted and sure to fit under the category of a "limited hangout"
It gives gives us the perfect opportunity to break down the top ten smoking guns.

It starts with number 10, the secret service stand down.

Moments before the first bullet hit JFK, the secret service were ordered to stand down. This has had security experts scratching their heads for decades.

Number 9, The Warren Commission.

The Warren Commission was called to the task of investigating the death of JFK immediately following the shocking event in Dealey Plaza.
Gerald Ford who would be president 11 years later was one of the main men behind the commission and claimed he was pressured to change the wording of the investigative reports to benefit the official narrative of the story. He also claimed the CIA had deliberately destroyed and hid evidence.

Number 8, Jack Ruby.

Jack Rubenstein was thought to have worked with the mob and was seen by many in the weeks leading up to Kennedy's death meeting with Lee Harvey Oswald.

Number 7, Oswald a CIA agent? A patsy? Or Both?

Many of the top JFK biographers including the late Jim Marrs believe Oswald was a low level CIA agent.
Oswald was once a Marine stationed at a CIA base in Japan.
Marina Oswald to this day believes Lee worked with the CIA.
He quickly befriended George de Mohrenschildt who was in the CIA, a man who was friends with George H W Bush and whose brother Dimitri was one of the founders of the CIA's Radio Free Europe and Amcomlib.

Number 6, the Nixon/Watergate connection.

In 1959, Nixon, then Vice President oversaw Operation 40 which was a CIA hit squad meant to take out foreign leaders and enemies. After the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba which Operation 40 took part in under Kennedy, JFK refused to further invade. Many believe this was part of the reason he was killed.
CIA agents E Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis were heavily involved. Both were later caught in the Watergate break in.

Number 5, the grassy knoll.

Countless people witnessed a shooter in the grassy knoll. Alternate footage was seized by the FBI, never to be seen again.
In 1976, the US house of representative select committee on assasinations was established and the committee found that there was likely a shooter in the grassy knoll and that there was an elaborate conspiracy which lead to the death of JFK.

Number 4, the Book Depository & the gun.

Oswald was a marksman in the Marines which means he was likely not a very good shooter. Yet somehow he managed to get off 3 shots in 6 seconds and meet a moving target with each shot through trees. The gun he allegedly used was a 6.5×52mm Carcano Model 91/38 infantry rifle, a gun that's incredibly difficult to shoot efficiently. Even the Warren Commission expert marksman re-enactment with the rifle failed.

Number 3, the magic bullet.

The bullet entered Kennedy at a downward trajectory, stopped in mid air between Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally, made a right turn, stopped again a couple inches later, made a left turn and proceeded. Connally received injuries to his wrist, chest and thigh.

Number 2, Oswald after shooting timeline.

Oswald had an opportunity to escape, however he immediately ended up 4 floors down and on the other side of the building seen by witnesses in the lunch room having a coke. He then caught a bus, got off, got in a cab to his rooming house, changed clothes, picked up a gun, walked 3 quarters of a mile, was stopped and confronted by officer J. D. Tippit due to a witness report of a white male, around 30 years old and 5'10" which fit most men in Texas in 1963. Not to mention, the witness made this description from 6 floors down. Oswald allegedly shot the officer and decided to go to a movie.
The story is laughable at best.

Number 1, death bed confessions and other high ranking officials.

E Howard Hunt, one of the high ranking CIA officials at the time of event and a man who went to jail for the Watergate break in came out on his death bed in a series of tapes and videos where he claimed he was a benchwarmer for "the big event" which was basically a conspiracy pushed by LBJ to kill Kennedy.
Jackie Kennedy said in a tape released in 2011 that she believed LBJ was behind her husband's death.
L Fletcher Prouty who served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy claimed the Kennedy assassination was a carefully planned job and was a major coup de tat.
Prouty says Oswald was framed.

All of this barely scrapes the surface. There's the secret society speech which was more just a speech to the press. There's Kennedy's opposition to Operation Northwood, the false flag scheme.

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Ten years ago, I never would have believed a conspiracy like this could have happened. Now when you look at the evidence rationally, you realize that JFK’s death was just that. Coup.

Yeah, there's no evidence that Oswald shot JFK other than the police said so.
Then there are all of the above examples of the whole thing being a coverup and OUR conspiracy "theory" is the crazy one. Funny how that works. lol

When I started to learn about libertarianism about 5 years ago, I learned how to park my cognitive dissonance at the door. When that happened, it was amazing just how much I woke up to what was really going on in the world.

well post i like it thanks for shearing

Conspiracy theories killed jfk

Excellent video, we are getting closer to the truth but we need the final files that the CIA is preventing the public from seeing. This means they were involved on some level in his killing. Hopefully we will be told the truth in the near future..

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