How to ACHIEVE your GOALS on and off DTUBE! - DTUBE DAILY #19

in #dtube6 years ago

What's up DTube?!

In today's video I talk about strategies to achieve your goals, long term or short term, on or off, DTUBE!

The first point I really want to drive home is baby steps guys. Baby. Steps! It's amazing how much little baby steps can add up over the course of weeks and months and years! Even if you're just doing one small thing daily, something that takes up little to none of your time, it will add up over time and you will get closer and closer to those goals you've always wanted to achieve.

Another point I want to drive home is daily routine. If you have a set of tasks you do every day, you can implement your baby step goal tasks into your daily routine as well. This is a sure fire way to make sure you make baby steps every single day. And then one day, whether it's next week or in 5 years, you will achieve your goals and one step closer to the person you've always wanted to be.

That's the motivating focus for me. I have this person in mind that I've always wanted to be! Someone who has certain characteristics and someone I can be proud of. I want to be proud of myself! And I'm not saying I'm not proud of who I am already, but I really want to be able to scream at the world: LOOK AT ME, I'M AMAZING!

Huge thanks to @dtube for helping me work towards this person I want to become. :)

Ok guys, hope you all got some value out of this! I assume you're all a lot smarter than me and know all this stuff already, but I hope this can at least serve as a reminder or your own goals and where you want to get to.

Take care everyone!

Ps - I'm about to go watch SpaceX's Falcon 9 Bangabandhu rocket launch into space, and I'm filming it! I'll put the video up on this later today! :)

▶️ DTube

I just watched "The Rain" series and I also play Clash Royale, haha. I will not uninstall it, too good. I don't play it often, but when I do it is always fun. Keep the posts coming!

Sweet man! What did you think of 'The Rain'? I thought it was awesome actually. I love the hiding out in a bunker theme in stories. The casting is also really good, and it was just cinematically shot so well! And yeah.... I know... f****ck me, lol. It's really hard to give up Clash Royale but I'm pretty convinced I want to stick by my decision. Most the time it's great fun, but it can be so distracting and bring out negative emotions from me. I just hit 5200 last ladder season and almost have a maxed out ladder deck now. Hard to let go at this point!

Deleting a cell phone game is an interesting discussion to have. For me I find playing a game (Candy Crush) while shooting a timelapse is a perfect way to get that 30 minutes to pass super quickly! But I understand it might be different for everyone.

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