The Road To 5000 CTP - Our Journey...Together!

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer....Near the end of this video I may seem rushed....I had a crying baby that woke up near the end of the video so I was trying to finish up to tend to him. Apologies for the rushed ending!

But this week, we focused on....The amazing people inside of the CTP tribe on Steem!

You guys and gals are such a huge blessing to what we're trying to build with

I can't thank YOU enough!

However, as much as I want to help you guys grow...I do understand if you want no part of the SBI drama.

If you do not wish to receive SBI units for your engagement on my blog, simply say 'No SBI Please' in any comment you leave :)

If you are still ok with SBI....No need to do anything but comment and engage with me :)

And finally....A HUGE shout out to this week's featured CTP member - @howyf2

One of the oldest member of the Click Track profit platform....It's an honor to have him on Steem and CTPtalk!

The 'Official' CTP Merchandise store is open for business.

The Union Is Here!

Blockchain meets Affiliate Marketing....

CTP Condenser -

CTP Token on Steem-Engine -

CTP Token on SteemLeo DEX -

▶️ DTube
▶️ YouTube

Congrats to @howyf2 for been this weeks featured member. A worthy person to highlight as he has always been an active CTP member and has embraced CTP V2 with his usual bright eyed attitude.
Yes the uploading to Youtube and then putting into Dtube seems to make it all work better a good example has been @flaxz Erik and I will assume you followed his lead on this front.
Yippee I passed the 10,000 CTP tokens over the last week which amazed me, and if I can do it anyone can.
Down votes & SBI nonsense of the last week I am doing my best to try and ignore it all at the moment as from were I sit it appears to be some negative Nancy who is actually nameless and faceless in his profile that is the main offender and so embraced in his negative outlook that one can only assume his whole attitude will come back and bite him so bad that he might finally see the errors of his ways.
Karma can be the ultimate bitch when it comes knocking and this person seems to be looking for everyone named Karma to come knocking.
Such a shame as I see nothing wrong with the SBI and it's community.

Now back to my fence to see what the next week brings.

LOL The fence look great man lol

Appreciate the comments as always and yup....That's what I'm doing, ignoring it all now and moving forward. Bigger things to focus on :)

Howard (@howyf2) is another great person that came to Steem and CTPTalk, that I didn't know before... And I can say that I like his positivity on Telegram and would like to see him in our Discord channel also (as I'm lazy to type on my phone in Telegram :) )

Anyways, I have just yesterday create the video and blog post about the focus and about the goals in life and business... And get to the same conclusion as you...

It's important the journey to success and I'm happy that I'm sharing that journey with all the great people from this community!

It's a funny thing about Telegram and Discord....Rarely find people that love them both. It's either or lol

Great To see @howyf2. On ctp and ctp talk a great guy. As for SBI I remain a firm believer in that program and in the long run he will find he will make more enemies by doing what he is doing. I think the Polish community here on Steem will be the ones to get him to stop. Great show as always Jon. Have a great week all.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Looks like cooler heads have prevailed this week....We shall see.

Still a small fish, but I have a 50 ctp growth since last week. The stake is growing 😁

Awesome man!!! That's the trick to all this stuff. Just show up and contribute, the stake will grow :)

I believe in SBI too. I'll just take the downvotes with a grain of salt. You can never please everyone. What's important is everyone in the community is growing! I love the CTP tribe too. I'm also just here for fellow CTP mates who may need an advice or two in growing on Steem ;) WOW 10K it is for the next CTP challenge. Slowly but surely I know I will get there too! ^_^

That's much appreciated and glad to have you on board....I do believe in exactly that, as long as we are all growing, that's what matters.

Thanks for a great video @jongolson, and really great advice to focus on your journey, that's what matters after all, and nice to see @howyf2 highlighted, he definitely deserves it, very nice motivation for the CTPtalk tribe, keep up your great work, it's awesome.

This post is AWESOME!

It has therefore got a manual 100% upvote from @thisisawesome, for the Awesome Daily Upvotes in category CTPtalk, I give out 1 such vote in that category per day, plus 3 more in other categories, and your post will also be featured in todays Awesome Daily report for more visibility.

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Steem ecosystem by rewarding it".

Thanks man, appreciate you coming through and supporting us!

Thanks for the update Jon :) You keep me motivated I have to say!


Appreciate you man, thanks for the comments.

Congratulations to @howyf2! He is another great asset to our tribe & so glad he jumped aboard here on the blockchain. 😊

Also, a belated congratulations to @mytechtrail. He is another very deserving member. 🙏

I hope everyone perseveres in creating great content, in whatever niche they are in, despite the circumstances on Steem as of late. They don't define us. Only we can define ourselves. 🧚 Hopefully things will calm down eventually. Focusing on the positive is key.

As always, I am so glad to be a part of this community & know it will keep on growing with amazing people. 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Agreed....99% of the people we engage with in CTP are positive and want to grow. That's our focus for sure :)

Thanks for a great video Jon, and this week it played as it should, I am not sure why DTube has these issues with IPFS, but it's nice that there are multiple ways to post a video with them.

And nice to see @howyf2 get highlighted, he's a really great guy supporting CTPtalk, and his lasts posts about the training in CTP is really nice to read, both for repeating them and to get some new perspectives from someone else.

Keep up your great work and let's hope that SBI dude see's the light sooner rather than later.

Appreciate the comments man. Yeah, Dtube does a great job of giving people multiple ways to get their video seen. I'm grateful for the YouTube links.

Welcome @howyf2.

I am still blushing from all last weeks praise, even though I could not get d-tube to play the video. I did manage to watch this week's video on YT.

I have not been around Discord much lately, too busy trying to keep up with all the awesome people I follow on STEEM.

It's a pretty crazy blockchain...So many awesome people!

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