in #dtube7 years ago (edited)


I have moved all my posts to the Hive blockchain.
You can now find all of them at

Hope to see you there!


Information overload. Man, that's another big issue! :)

Yea, hope you enjoy it when we post it. Thanks for commenting and voting.

thanks for that information! such a big help

So glad you found it useful. Steemit is such a great place to share and find information.

Your article was interesting, but incomplete.

I suffered from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, so I know from first-hand knowledge. As a matter of fact, I still suffer, but I have learnt how to control it.

The first time I had physical proof of how bad and painful it can be was when my middle finger (the longest one) bent over towards the small finger, at an impossible angle. It lay across the two fingers, right at the height of my knuckle. I could have screamed with pain (and the shock of seeing my hand so deformed). After that, my hands (fingers) would curl up like claws and the agony was unbelievable.

I did go to a doctor, he pointed out that I also have a swollen ganglion at my inner wrist (I still have it, but less pronounced, unless I type too much).

He told me there is no cure and he must operate. He showed me diagrams of how he will slice my hands open from the wrist to almost the tip of each finger, removing some flesh alongside each nerve/tendon. He was honest enough to tell me that it will only solve my problem for a few years (hence the word 'syndrome').

I decided not to trust his solution and searched the internet. I found the site of a computer programmer who had made a few hundred million dollars but ended up with CTS from typing the long coding. He did as I did, but then he found someone who helped heal him. He paid for the right to place the information on the web for free and his program worked. Since then I have typed (just for my story) over 12 million characters. I can even raise my hand to place it under my pillow when I lie down to sleep (sufferers know this is not possible).

Forget all the special gloves and other gadgets. Forget having an operation (over 200,000 per year in the USA, and all of them need to be re-operated within three to five years.)

My info is on an old disk, so I will only search for it if someone needs help. Anyone and everyone is welcome to contact me for the information, if they need it.

@arthur.grafo This is just a small part of a long series I am posting about computer worker stress. I apologize for the lack of information, but is meant to be more of an overview. You are so amazing to offer up your research to others. Thank you!

Give me a shout if you need some info - and sorry I jumped the gun.

I will definitely keep it in mind. Thank you so much. Hopefully others will see your reply and if they need more information they now know to ask.

Apparently I'm experiencing such due to workloads lol. But from time to time I take some rests to not prolong the injury.

If you need more information @arthur.grafo offered up more information to those who would want it.

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