
Personally i don't think that animal's fat is healthy, people eat way too much meat, well of course a bit meat from time to time won't hurt that much, also i agree that eating fish is really important. However if someone is trying to grow some muscle or get some weight, than meat is really important. Thanks for the article.

Yeah I mostly agree, as long as you're eating wild caught salmon at least once or twice a month, you don't really need to eat any other meats.

Good luck @inventor16 with the yoyo.. you manage.. it's just the will is stronger then the need to eat

Eating fish, chicken, vegetables and fruits while avoiding too much red meat not only can help reduce fat and lower weight but will also reduce the risk of getting cancer and improve general health and fitness.

Healthy is the word, when you eat healthy; you sure loose weight and keep it at the right level.

Thanks for your advices man. I think, i will use tham in 2-3 years. Just right now i am fir, as i think. But you can check it if you will se my first video. Thanks in advance for your comments and advices)

I try to limit the amount of meat I eat because it's not healthy to eat a lot of it, but I eat fish very often. Gosh, almost daily! Eliminating junk food from my plate did wonders when it comes to weight loss.

i use left hand in bathroom and less 2 kg in 14 days

Nice info brother. Sardines/Salmon are also a good avenue to balance omega-6 type fats from mammals. The yo-yo dieting thou...idk mate, but to each his own.

The easiest way is to skip lunch for 1 week :) atleast

Fitness and proper nutrition are the key to the success of weight loss.

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