Charging The AC - An Easy Task?

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

We have a leak in our SUV’s AC. We’ve brought it in to have fixed, but unfortunately, they couldn’t find the leak. Every so often we just buy a few cans of coolant and recharge it ourselves. Wouldn’t you know it, the AC always seems to tucker out on the hottest days of summer! I had everything I needed in my car, so I thought I’d fix it myself and get on with our shopping trip.

Spoiler alert: I also give my fermented carrots a taste.

Do you fix your vehicle yourself? We’re you successful?

▶️ DTube

Bummer of a day and the video showed it too. As nice as I can put this....the day looked like it gotten the best of you! But hopefully the next day was much better!

As for fermented carrots...yeah, that doesn't sound too good to me!

Haha! To be honest, I think what bummed me the most was that I had this idea in my head for how I wanted this video to turn out, and in the end it just felt like I wasted a bunch of time. Today is going a lot better. I’m looking forward to tomorrow with a high of 71. A good day to get outdoor projects done!

The lady I watched on the fermented carrots said you can’t even tell they are fermented. Umm..I’m calling false on that one!

HAHA....I'm laughing at the point where you can't tell they were fermented. I have always known that something was fermented, there is no way that you can hide that!

Now that is some struggle, Am myself sitting below an AC which keeps dropping water :D Good luck with your AC and happy summers :)

I’m sure anyone that happened to pass me by in the parking lot was wondering, “What on earth is that lady doing?” Lol oh well, we can’t win them all!

Haha it's like that story we heard in school days where they can't make everyone happy , so just go ahead and think of your own comfort only.
Do you like it? :D

We all have those days! LOL! Learning is something that is not always fun but when we get how to do something it makes your day. Hang in there!

Haha thank you! I think I have it down for the next time the situation arises. Live and learn, right?

hey! oh man..well at least the Big Man got the air conditioner fixed right? that's something. and the carrots may not be delicious but they're edible right so that's not a total loss.

Tomorrow HAS to be a better day so just relax and count your blessings, it's gonna be a great week! Only a couple more days till harvest is complete and things will be less stressful. God bless you guys!

Oh and don't feel bad about not being able to get that connection on, those things can be very difficult especially if you haven't worked them before.

Yes, my vehicle now has nice cool air next time we go for a ride, so that is a plus! Those carrots though, I think I put on a brave face for the camera because I tried a second one and had to spit it out. That lady in the video that I watched lied when she said you can’t even tell they are fermented!
Once we were home, and the kids went down for a nap, things were much better. Plus we were cooled off in our air conditioned home! It almost made it to 100 degrees out there today! I’ve got plans for Tuesday, a high of only 72! That will be an outdoor projects day.

oh my 100 for you guys is brutal! sorry about having to go through that day but it will make Tuesday feel cold. So you'll have to try another fermenting recipe. haha that would have been hilarious though, if you would have had to spit out that carrot on camera!
here's to a cool Tuesday and the finish of a successful harvest! God bless you all!

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