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RE: James Yeager's Deletion and Nouveau Book Burning

in #dtube7 years ago

I think they are testing the waters for censorship. They are attacking conservative content in small pieces through demonetization, shadow banning with the recommendation/search algorithms, and community guidelines strikes. When they target a channel like James Yeager they will give them 3 strikes in a row for old content in a very short period of time. They've gotten rid of Gabor Zolna, Doctor of Common Sense, MGTOW is Freedom, UFO channels, and now James Yeager. Military Arms Channel and sootch00 is on the bubble.

If they do it one at a time like this then the people remaining will say "oh they must have done something wrong". Really Yeager was targeted behind the scenes and I've seen this happen to multiple channels. Happens the same way. They know they will upset a lot of people and fuel their competitors if they remove a whole category all at once. In due time they will purge gun stuff from Youtube. This is about their attempt at shifting public opinion.


I have been attacked as well. The day will know what is happening and the direction the nation is moving in. The day will indeed come..........

That's exactly what is happening, banning by a thousand cuts, instead of one whole hog that would create a backlash of monumental proportions. Like they are doing with firearm regulations in just about any country, going about it in little steps, from every single angle, with the one end goal, banning across the board.

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