Do You Have a Millionaire Mindset - Cardone Zone

in #dtube7 years ago

The middle class is the group that’s getting hammered the worst. ⅔ of Americans, that’s 200,000,000 people, have $1,000 in the bank. In 2007, the top earnings were $163K, and in 2017, were $110K. How can the middle class be earning less than they were 10 years ago? The unemployment rate is the lowest in 40 years. The stock market is at a high. You should be getting rich right now. If you’re worried about three dollars or paying for lunch, you can’t be a millionaire. Those are small problems.

Most people think about making $70,000 a year but you need to figure out how you can make $70,000 a month. Both groups have relationship issues, children, and work hard. What’s the difference between these two types of individuals? They aren’t smarter or much different. They think big. They are not worried about five dollar coffee or coupons. The top people are concerned with owning companies. Movie studios. Hedge funds. You need to start thinking like the guy in LA, Miami, and New York. You have to start thinking big.

Exchange your middle-class mindset with the Millionaire mindset. The middle-class mindset teaches you to go to college, save money, give it to wall street, and be happy. I don’t know anyone who can be happy if they are scared. My mom was a great lady. She was a wonderful mother but she was scared every day. If you have no money you’re going to be scared. What are you doing to create a Millionaire Mindset? You have to look at the top. Get out of your problems!

▶️ DTube

Interesting post - I'm still learning and exploring Steem, but like what I see hear. Thanks

It is all about thinking big and not limitting your beliefs or desires. For a long time I told myself it was stupid to want exotic cars because I thought I could never afford one. Once I changed that mindset I had a Diablo in a few years and keep adding to the stable. You have to be able to think big for years, not just a couple weeks to make it happen.

el ser humano esta lleno de emociones confusas y frecuentemente para no decir que constantemente se "equivoca", y hace a un lado su meta principal, que es tomar la decisión de su vida, en este mundo tenemos personajes que a pesar de ser excéntricos han logrado el éxito gracias a sus decisiones y su constancia. si eres una persona que quieres conquistar el mundo tienes que aprender a pensar en grande no importa si eres de clase media o clase baja, ejemplo viviente Jan Koum el cofundador de whatsapp. por necesidad abandono ucrania para emigrar los estados unidos, su madre trabajó como niñera- para ganar algo de dinero y mantenerse mientras él- trabajaba limpiando en una frutería, y necesitaron de ayudas del gobierno para sobrevivir, ahora es un empresario prospero y muy exitoso.

Sorry, I don't speak Spanish

the human being is full of confused emotions and often not to say that constantly "wrong" - and set aside his main goal, which is to make the decision of his life, in this world we have characters that despite being eccentric have achieved success thanks to his decisions and his perseverance. If you are a person that you want to conquer the world you have to learn to think big no matter if you are middle class or lower class, living example Jan Koum the co-founder of whatsapp. by necessity abandonment-ukraine to emigrate the united states, his mother worked as a nanny- to earn some money and to maintain himself while he- worked cleaning in a greengrocer, and needed government aid to survive, now he is a businessman- prosperous and very successful.

A revolution is needed in the financial education. And then a lot of work :)

Millionaire mindsets flame out without action. Same as the "healthy mindsets" of New Years Resolutioners who find excuses not to workout or justification for eating crap.

Action can be scary, uncomfortable, and exhausting, but with a plan and the determination of a millionaire mindset, you'll get stronger, smarter, better, and wealthier.

Just remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Be in it for the long run!

Reminds me of one of the best quotes ever!

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right.”
Henry Ford

"Courage is life's only measure."
(S. Kierkegaard)

If you want amazing success, you first must set up your mindset for success. The mind influences your actions and your actions influence your results. Developing that millionaire mindset is the first step

Thanks a lot for your valuable post sharing. dtube is future bye bye youtube

You are a great teacher. This is first time to watch you...I believe I will be liberated from Poverty by watching you. Oh I'm already liberated because I have the means to watching you now...

I posted this:

which shows what wealthy people are investing on and how is their mindset regarding how to spend their wealth.

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