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RE: 10,000 Plus People Are Getting Arrested at The Canadian Border

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

This is total madness but sadly all planned ! 10,000 a day is just unsustainable !! This is white replacement in their own lands by I will say ,criminally organised and funded influx of " economic migrants " that were given the green light to make their way to anywhere within Europe and the North America,s !! The USA is lucky to have had the strenght to vote for Trump ! But us Europeans and yes probably Canadians will be in the space of 15 to twenty years the minority and will reap all that it brings them !! Yes well tolerance so preached to us by our government concerning these " impoverished people " will be by then long gone and the " civilised and educated " world with it !! All of you here that would call me a racist for my comment are the dumb fools who went to sleep and let their childrens futures be stolen from them !! thankyou for your powerful post @lukewearechange !!


none of those idiots here on DTube. I already moved away from Vienna into Czech republic because of this problem.

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