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RE: Getting in trouble at work because of Dtube - Day 16

in #dtube6 years ago

The million dollar question is how long have you been doing it for and how are you liking the results. I'm sure you feel great but aestheticly speaking are you gaining traction. If not it might not be your workout but your diet! @gisi has great info to this question go check him out.


I don't know what you mean by gaining traction. If you mean results, well like a year ago i would get unnoticed in a room cause of my very small frame but now i just cant hide.

But! I just think am not growing fast enough and the question is about combining the muscle group routines each day. Am i doing that wrong?

And thanks for the reference, would be sure to check @gisi out

Okay I think I understand the question. To get maximum results you would workout arms before chest and back because you won't be able to do chest with sore arms. You can do arms with a sore chest and back. Get it?... you won't be able to run with sore legs. Etc. and one day off because the muscle group has 4 days of rest between all the workouts. This routine is more for cutting than for building.

To train naturally as a beginner training more muscle groups together is beneficial. Protein synthesis usually lasts 24-48 hours, meaning that after that the muscles are ready to be trained again. Training more muscles together such as full body workouts or upper body and lower body workouts help you to incorporate frequency to your routine. By doing this you are able to train each muscle group 2-3 times per week maximising protein synthesis.

Also keep in mind that the body grows when resting, in the gym you break down the muscle fibers through training, then with eating and recovery you rebuild them. Ideal workout splits should always incorporate rest days, if you don't rest you jeopardise your chances to grow.

Separating muscle groups for different days is the so called bro-split or bodybuilder split, it is an effective program, however for you I would suggest following an upper/lower routine. If you want you can get a free workout program at my website :) Check out my page on steemit for more content, hope this was helpful

Thanks for taking your time to explain these, i deeply appreciate. Prior to now, i had no knowledge of the things you have pointed out .

I would continue with the upper/lower routine as you advised and see the results in the coming weeks.

I have just followed you:)

Glad to hear it was of help, looking forward to the progress :)

Thanks for the shoutout man!

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