
Well, ok, The CIA are probably the biggest murder's human traffickers, rapists and drug smugglers in the world. MK Ultra continues to this day.

They are high on the list for sure. Trump is working on that too. Look at how upset they get at the idea of bringing our troops home from Syria, where the CIA has been meddling their asses off since at least 1949.

Having studied the mechanisms and logic of such groups for a long time, I 100% perceive Trump to be nothing more than another puppet put in place to play a certain role so that people think they are getting change, when they are only only getting a change of form and not much else.

Trump certainly is not above doing that but I feel like different folks are pulling the strings than with the puppets those people installed. Bringing our troops home is not really the old boss's style. Did you know Trump audited the Pentagon for the first time ever? Then he fired Mad Dog and put the auditor in charge of the defense department.

There are far more radical changes needed than trump is ever going to bring. What difference does it make if the pentagon is audited when the money is all being generated through massive fraud and crime anyway and is virtually unlimited? How do we know that the auditors are honest? Why should anyone think such a thing even for a moment? Given that trillions go to black budget projects and these are controlled by those who control the government and could EASILY kill trump in the blink of an eye - he will have to do a huge amount more than we have seen before I will change my position in the slightest ;)

It's a good start, makes people go on the record and commit to some numbers. How many trillions go to black budget projects?

I don't think we will even know officially how much money has been lost into black budgets, they are by their nature above top secret.

if the CIA had trillions of dollars they wouldn't have to resort to petty drug dealing.

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