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RE: When I Fought the WAR ON CHRISTMAS

in #dtube7 years ago

lolll I love the war on terror thing, and how the host just totally missed it at first. Well played.

This reminds me of a simpler time! When the left was so often on point, targeting real issues like initiating war and breach of executive power etc.

Seems like today it's gone totally meta and is much more about slinging poo back and forth about the who said what and which side is more of a liar etc, like a new layer on top of the issues and substance.

"And what do you think about the state of religiosity in America today? Let's talk about it in the comments!"

Talking out of my ass, but I feel like the Christian conservative has made a big comeback!

A lot of it is maybe that they've dialed back on trying to legislate social values. Or that it's just clear it isn't going to stick. In any case they don't feel like any kind of "threat" like maybe they vaguely did ten years ago.

So when you take that away, the average religious type is usually just sweet and harmless, and often inspired in a positive way. Whereas someone on the far left might throw a brick at me if they think I used a micro aggression :)

It's easy to create caricatures in our minds (caricatures that don't necessarily line up with the real people who are out there), and so of course I'm being a bit facetious. But that's the general feeling I have, that it's kind of flipped to where the outermost leftist type seems the most unreasonable, whereas ten years ago it felt the other way around to me.

Thanks for sharing that. I found you really entertaining and sharp in the video. :)


Thanks for the post! There have been a lot of op-eds and articles about what to do with the "Moral Majority" in America--a lot of existential thinking from honest Evangelical leaders. Obviously many like Farwell and Graham continue to reveal themselves as the charlatans they have always been, but others are realizing the hypocrisy of their allignment with the Trump GOP.

I think Tim Keller, a leading NY evangelical, had a good take recently in the New Yorker when he said this: "Many younger believers and Christians of color, who had previously identified with evangelicalism, have also declared their abandonment of the label. ... [N]ow, in popular usage, the word is nearly synonymous with 'hypocrite.'"

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