
Fair enough... and thanks. I was getting exhausted.

yes friend. the news has been falsely saying people died when they didn't or didn't when they did, or been lying through their teeth as a propaganda tool of the real owners of this world for all the time you've been alive, going back to your grandparents, and before then.

if you watch the video, which is the exact alleged incident all of the news are reporting on, you know that nobody is being killed here. so the question is, why are all the news channels telling us they are?

You almost got me. Well done.

@forykw you are either dense as a rock or an active shill... the video was the ONLY footage of the "official" story... it WAS a hoax, and no one actually died.

If you watch the footage you either 1) reach that conclusion rationally, 2) deny it because you're a shill or 3) you're dense as a rock

I disagree with you on all aspects.

Disagree all you like, without direct refutation of analysis and facts, you are simply dodging discussion intended to highlight accuracy and truth and instead just trying to act as fodder for opposition. Typical shill move.. although it could be explained by active denial due to confirmation bias... but I'm guessing shill behavior is most likely your case @forykw.

Man... nao me fures os miolos com esta conversa, se pensas que estas a chegar ao teu objectivo, desiste, comigo e com esta conversa nao vais a lado nenhum. E caso tentes traduzir isto, vais ver que nao vai fazer sentido nenhum porque o tradutor nao tem capacidade pra isso =) tal como o que estas a tentar dizer-me.

This is what you said:
Man ... do not piss me off with this conversation, if you think you're reaching your goal, give up, with me and with this conversation, you're not going anywhere. And if you try to translate this, you'll see that it will not make any sense because the translator does not have the capacity for it =) like what you're trying to tell me

Again, you aren't refuting or proving anything, you're just circle jerking this conversation. You're the one wasting time.

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