1UP - The Decentralized Solution To Distribute DTube's Steem Power To The Best Video Content Every Day

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: 1UP - The Decentralized Solution To Distribute DTube's Steem Power To The Best Video Content Every Day

I have moved all my content away from the now centralized and controlled Steem blockchain to the decentralized Hive blockchain.


I think you are right about bringing 1UP to Dtube because we need more decentralization. Have you thought about bringing it to Steemit as well? There is an even greater need there for it. Does 1UP have 1Down capability as well? 1Down could be helpful in regulating spam.

1Down? That could actually work but to be honest I would rather want to focus on the positive for now.

Bringing it to Steemit is on my todo-list on the bottom as Steemit is a one-for-all platform where no specific niche is being served. The trailers would have no clue to what content-format their voting power would be used for. There are so many great niche platforms which are currently upvoting totally centralized with delegated Steem Power in the millions. These platforms need to get more decentralized first, in my opinion.

Yes you're right about prioritizing the niche and focusing on the positive.

How is it decentralized? If I read the other post correctly and that still applies here, isn't the selection of possible 1up posts manually selected? That just turns over the vote power from one set of centralized hands to another.

Everybody has the same vote with the same weight and it is not controlled by me or anybody else. There are still a few things to it that makes it more beneficial for the first in the trail compared to those coming later but we have already a solution to that which is coming eventually. The more people use the system the more decentralized it becomes. Nobody will be able to censor it as an individual and no individual will be able to manipulate the vote. Of course, there are always ways to outsmart technology but since it is open source and we all observe where the votes are going we can stop any potential abuse and fix the system accordingly if neccessary.

Right now, the votes are decided by one single person doing the DTube shift. That's awesome for the receivers of the upvote but totally centralized. With 1UP that could be thousands doing the same thing together and the highest ranking videos would win. It is also a way to avoid that only videos upvoted by big Steem Power holders are trending as 1UP would have its own ranking.

Okay, so the 1up for dtube will be different from how it's set up on utopian? Because I thought that your group selected which things could be voted on over there, and that not just any utopian contribution could be 1up'd.

It seems you have totally misunderstood the 1UP concept then! On Utopian it is also decentralized and the posts are selected from the community - LIKE YOURSELF - via our 1UP button. I have just as much to say about that as you do. My voice counts exactly as much as yours despite my much larger Steem Power. There is no group or individual selecting any posts exclusively. Everybody over reputation 45 can do that. We have that small limitation in order to make it more difficult for bot-networks to abuse the 1UP button. So far that worked very well but we have to keep an eye on it.

However, it would not be the same as on Utopian as over there the system is only working within a very limited time window to make use of the Utopian bot in order to make the trail more profitable for all trailers. So it is much more complicated there than it would be on DTube. It would work much better and much more efficiant on DTube because there is no automated bot system in place for upvotes. If DTube decides to incorporate the 1UP system we would have much more freedom about when and how to upvote compared to Utopian.

Oh, I see what is going on.

Only posts that have been manually accepted by a moderator, properly following the Utopian rules, will activate the 1UP button.

That confused me right there. I thought that your team at 1up would be selecting the things that could get a 1up button. But you're actually talking about the utopian mods selecting them? And this is necessary because the 1up curation trail is only going to vote for things that the utopian vote will go towards.

And then you're saying that the Dtube scenario will be different because the 1up button would just completely replace their manual voting.

Also, I'm just trying to give you a hard time here, but

They would end on a blacklist without any further chance to make money via our system which would be fatal for most content creators.

doesn't sound very decentralized at all to me. Lol, I'm just fucking with you, I know that there will be people who try to exploit any such system and that this will be necessary in the beginning stages to ward off that kind of behavior.

Yes, you are right. A blacklist is not very decentralized at all. Maybe fixing the whole would be enough.

Ok this helps me understand better,I was kinda right :)
Thank You Flauwy..

its on blockchain bro :))

I could be wrong but isn't it all recorded Decentralized platform?
Maybe the focus here is to have multiple view points for a more of an even awareness.I guessing..
The 1up seems to have an entry level fix option that creates an open source widget into Dtube for starters.
charitybot I'm new here can you help?(understand)
Best regards,

Hey Flauwy.

I just watched the video. I think that in due time, we will need a system like that later on as the platform continues to grow but my biggest concern from any automation is really the abuse or manipulation of an automated system. I know you mentioned that it could be dynamic and ever changing but also remember that creators can get creative when it comes to manipulating SEOs and such. I remember the YouTube kids controversy and even though it is an entirely different topic, some of the problems stemmed from the system’s approach. We would have to be meticulous about executing it.

Anyone who would try to manipualate the 1UP system would be caught quickly as all outgoing votes will be carefully observed by people making regular Analysis posts via Utopian for example and earn tons of money from utopian for that. They would end on a blacklist without any further chance to make money via our system which would be fatal for most content creators. Nothing on the blockchain stays hidden. And then we would close the gap they used to abuse 1UP and it would become harder and harder every time. It is a self-regulating system. AND the votes could be undone leaving the abusers with nothing but being outcasts. Just because it is automated doesn't mean we cannot intervene and adjust the system.

And I don't think we should wait long for this to integrate. The earlier we do this the healthier the platform and the community can grow.

Thanks for the post @flauwy.

Interesting idea but it was my understanding that the manual upvote system that was put into place upon receiving the delegation was just temporary. Unless I am mistaken, I think they are going to convert to some type of automated system in the future.

But of course, I could be wrong.

Excellent idea....I like the part where the community is basically deciding what to upvote and the D.Tube vote will be based upon following that.

That makes a lot of sense to me.

I already talked with @heimindanger a while ago and he was considering integrating 1UP or a similar system directly into DTube, which would be great. he didn't clearly understand it by then and was sceptical about the intention and about trailing in general.

What I am trying to achieve here is to make 1UP independent of each platform itself to even increase decentralization on a level that it goes beyond the platform it works on. So if DTube would create its own system I would not stop and still put 1UP one level on top of it because it will just add another layer to it and would not be controllable by the platform because the platform itself will ALWAYS be centralized while the underlying - or in this case overlying - system remains decentralized.

But if we would work together and find a way of letting 1UP be independent while DTube puts its trust into this new voting system then even better. Either way, it will come and it will be great. :)

Well I am not a techie guy so following how this all works is beyond my level of comprehension.

But I do see your larger point of having a voting system that is decentralized beyond the control of the app itself. Is this a system that can overlay on top of any app created on this blockchain so that it is a one stop layer which fits all Steem based applications?

Technically, yes. But each app or community should get its own trail in order to guarantee the trailers that they are supporting a very specific use case/niche of the blockchain which they can identify best or what they think brings the greatest value to either themselves or Steem in its entirty.

I think this system is needed for DTube, there are many people like myself who have tried DTube severally and given up on it. If this system is adopted, more people will benefit from the Steem Power and More Users will use DTube.
Just My own opinion

Of course the 1UP system would not guarantee you any upvotes but you would be able to receive 1UP's from your friends and followers from Steemit. That would help you to push your content higher on the 1UP rankings and it doesn't even matter how much Steem Power they all have. It would matter more how many active friends you have who want to use their limited daily 1UP's to give to you. :)

Yeah, even if the upvote isn't guarantee, the 1UP's will make post go to a better level where it wil have more chances to be curated.

Great idea, there will be still enough individuals with enormous upvote power that can bring in their own subjectivity. 1 Up could balance that with a decentralized hivemind approach and give power to many as well.

With great power comes great Responsibility

I can definitely see the benefits of having a 1up button on Dtube. For one it would take alot of the responsibility from Dtube to fine the best content. At the moment its more like a lottery (which also has its advantages).

Side note: Are there plans to integrate Steem Plus with Dtube? I've fallen in love with the " Quick Switcher" it would be nice if Dtube was included.


The Quick-Switcher would only work for DTube content. It could be activated dynamically when you are on a DTube post and deactivated when you are not.

I am sure that Steem-Plus will come to DTube but that is a decision of @stoodkev!

Hey Flauwy. I agree with you with the fact that moving to a 1up system can solve many curation issues faced on steem. The arguments against the system, although are valid, should be taken with a grain of salt as there is no perfect system and each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, I believe implementing this system is a step in the right direction. Look forward to hearing more of your thoughts in future posts.

Sure, no system is perfect.

The problem with 1UP is that people with a lot of followers would always get upvoted (with or without a great video), and in the meanwhile the recent accounts trying to get views and followers wouldn't be upvoted that often.

I like the 1UP idea, but my point is that it would not be completely fair!
Congratulations on 2M Steem Power!!!

Quite the contrary: Someone with a a lot of followers is now getting a lot of votes. That is the status quo. We don't need 1UP for that. It is already like that. There is no way to get seen for for free. Do you think DTube is watching every video uploaded once per minute?

With 1UP you just need ONE single vote to make it to the new ranking page where a whole new exposure would be possible while without it the video would be lost forever in the clutter.

Also, you can give several 1UP's to people and there can be ways to reward the upvoter for giving 1UP's and increase that reward drastically for giving it to smaller accounts because these videos will be WAY more profitable than a video from a big shot that has already gotten $20 in the first seconds. There are always ways and decentralizing is much fairer than centralizing where ONE PERSON decides it all.

Besides, the point is not making the system fairer but to decentralize it.

What do you think?

I agree with what you just said, I guess I didn´t understand very well your explanation in the video, that´s why I made that comment. My bad, should have watched again the video before making a comment without much sense.

Working like you point it here, I think 1UP has the potential, and I support it!

No, your concern is valid. It is a problem and I have no clue how to work around it.

That is very interesting. Hum. Are You guys already in touch with Dtube to make it happen?? :D

Just let us know when You have more info.

No, they haven't responded yet.

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