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RE: DTube - Las Vegas Shooting And The Cold Hard Truth About Gun Control

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

What numbers are hard to ignore? There are millions of guns in the USA, and 99.999% of them didn't murder anyone yesterday. Sure, we have a lot of suicides with guns, but that's because a gun makes it easy to kill yourself. I hope those people get help and decide life is worth it, but it is their choice to end their own life though.

A lot of people die in the USA from knife, bat, and other weapons too. Guns are not the only way people here murder each other. If you took all those things away, there would still be predators and still be murderers. We cannot expect predators to follow gun laws either. Why would a soon to be murderer care about a gun law? They won't.

We will never disarm here. I hate to break it to the rest of the world, but it will never happen. There would be a bloody revolution again if the government tried to disarm the people. That is, after all, how the first American Revolution started. The British moved to disarm the militias, as in the whole body people people per Section 13 of Virginia's Declaration of Rights:

That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

The people of Europe have recent examples also as to why it is more dangerous to disarm. Did strict gun laws stop terrorists from using guns to slaughter people in France? Do gun laws stop grenades from being used in Sweden? History proves to us, over and over, that the people should remain armed. That is the best defense of individual liberty.

Governments want us disarmed to better control us, and being disarmed keeps people in fear. It is the opposite of what you wrote. Without the means to defend your own life, you have to defend on others to do it. They won't however. Worse, government is the number one murderer of innocent people. Look up democide.

Between government and criminals, the people would be wise to maintain the ability to defend themselves as a last resort.

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