Vlog 402: My vision for Steem

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

My big vision for Steem is that it will become the biggest social economic ecosystem in the world.

I want everything I do on the internet made possible on Steem and by using one account.

For example:

I want to shop and login at different websites and buy products with my Steem account.
I want to create content and login to all kinds of applications with one Steem account.
I want to play games and have the ownership of my digital items under one Steem account.
I want to do my finances with one Steem account.
I want to build applications on Steem and have access to a huge community and liquidity under one Steem account.

You get the point...

But this is one big vision and when you break that down to a more human level then you will find that everyone has a different vision for Steem and it can't be defined.

Compare it to a programming language. It can be used for many things.

If you use the language to build a webshop to sell beard oil, then that is what it is to you. A tool to sell products.
If you use the language to build a game, then that is what it is to you. A tool to make a game.
If you use the language to promote your brand, then that is what it is to you. A tool for marketing.

What the big vision is for the programming language doesn't even matter, as long as people use it because it's the best.

And Steem is the best. Period.

We are the most used blockchain in the world with the biggest community, we have the best applications in the blockchain space and soon we will be by far the cheapest blockchain to run for what we offer (MIRA).

This combination is unstoppable. And even though other blockchains try to stop us by talking bad about Steem, they will fail.

In fact, I believe they are shaking in their boots because for all the money they have they haven't been able to make one application their mom would like to use or could use.

In the end, everyone will flock to where the users are and they will be on Steem.

And it will only get better for Steem.

Because Steem can be used for whatever you need it to be.

A tool to express yourself through content, a tool to build great applications on, a tool to build and support communities, a tool for investment, a tool for digital ownership, a tool for marketing, and many things we have not even started to explore.

I talk about it more in my vlog.

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What a great day! A Vlog from @exyle! Such a good treat. So glad i caught it. And, a great vlog to boot. What an awesome topic. I enjoyed how you covered a lot of the fundamentals. I totally agree and love the concept of one login to access many utilities. When i signed up on fb 10 years ago i never expected that my grandmothers & mom would become active users over there through the years. Steem is so much more than that world. I see fb as like a tabloid ---pretty much junk (albiet grossly used by the masses who really dont know any better). Steem is a vehicle to a much brighter, valuable completely different paradigm. The new internet is possible through Steem. And, i do hope the vision to Tokenize the Internet becomes true. And, i envision all my fb friends making the leap to Steem!! Fantastic indeed Mark. Great to have a listen here today. Awesome post, as always. Happy Easter 🎶🙏🌷

Awesome reply and thank you! Love your enthusiasm! Thanks, Jill!

Steem is the best. Period

Truly appreciate the True believer of our Blockchain

Your vision which you are looking for STEEM that is really broad for this platform . STEEM it self have a great potential to grow sky rocket as per the concept it has . But it is only matter of time to do it.

Posted using Partiko Android

We are the Steemians hodlers and we advance toward this reality. You might start the push up challenge on Twitter of @NathanMars

The aim is to help to spread the awareness of Steem out there. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

That's a great task I have read in @NathanMars post.

Posted using Partiko Android

You can do it for the pleasure and spread the world around about Steem. :)

I'm already on day 32!

Cool, I was not aware of. :)

I agree with you 99% of what you say.
The only point i disagree is that a programming language even the most easy one is harder to learn if you compare it with steem.
I am sure than in near future there will be apps that will let you build e-shops with steem blockchain support that easy as it is today when you try to build a website using templates

Posted using Partiko Android

It would be awesome if we can use our steem wallet as a regular one. Steem is a big community and growing powerful.
Hope for the best ✌

Posted using Partiko Android

We all want something what others not want :) ... but I agree with you 100% , this platform here is bigger than it is now at the moment.
I try be ready also when we have start come lot users... they can come very fast.

I agree steem will mean different things to different people and that's what's so great about it. We will continue to form communities around projects, content, dapps and businesses going forward and users will come in via different methods and begin to overlap . The realisation will take time and like you said some killer dapps but I am confident it will happen

Yes, I too wish the same

Posted using Partiko Android

You got it!

Wonderfully said!

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