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RE: DTube Exclusive Video #92: "First Man" was LEGIT! Hey NASA, send me to the Moon!

in #dtube6 years ago

I've add it to my list of movies to watch. Did you see the movie Hidden Figures, its a behind the scenes of Nasa movie. FINALLY, the brilliant African American women responsible for figuring out the math that allowed for safe return of our astronauts are given the credit they were long overdue.

Posted using Partiko Android


Yes! That was incredible, I don’t remember the movie completely but I remember how brilliant they were and that every time they had to use the bathroom during work they’d literally have to leave their building to go to another and use the colored bathroom. Crazy, but so happy they accomplished so much and that things have changed so much in just the last 60 years.

Yes, thankfully society has changed a lot since that time. Hopefully we continue to move forward in acceptance and respecting everyone, regardless of race and religion.

Posted using Partiko Android

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