The Trump Las Vegas False Flag/Hoax Masonic Mafia Connection, Because You Can Handle The Truth!

in #dtube7 years ago

Remember a false flag is an attack by the ruling party on it's own people! Even an attack on the very people who voted for you, because the deceptive masons tell themselves that you would never expect it! As brainwashed Trump supporters never question anything, and just blindly support the president over a few carrots he throws at them. Who runs the ruling party now for 10 months? It only took Bush 9 months to run a BIGGER false flag in 9/11; and this Las Vegas shooting is in Trump's casino masonic mafia affiliation back yard. Then pawns are telling me he has nothing to do with it!

When will people wake up to the fact that Masons are Antichrist's and kill duped Christians that willfully give themselves over to their deceptions. Like these lukewarm cowboys and cowgirls in "sin city".

History has shown. The masonic hierarchy force drafted thousands and thousands of American Christian men to fight in World War 1 & 2. To slaughter them and sacrifice them for their antichrist Satanic masonic central banking agenda.

Think about what the mason and fake Christian Mike Pence said to the military recently. With respect to North Korea. See it documented by Edifying Others in the video below. He wants to slaughter them!

Also, if you think this false flag was big. Wait till Trump's McMaster mason kills millions with the fake North Korean war. As the Masonic media has already telegraphed-admitted, and Edifying Others documented below.

Moreover, The Masonic Clinton's who allowed controlled Muslims to killed hundreds of thousands of African Christians in the 1990's as they stood down. The Masonic Bush's who carried out 911 are anti true Christians. The Masonic Obama's who carried out false flags on a weekly basis are anti-Christian masonic new agers.

Now Trump, with his globalist Masonic Sabbatean affiliations and Bilderberg's in the white house, is clearly killing (lukewarm) Christians. People are still brainwashed by their masonic proxy pastors and fake news organizations that Trump is a baby Christian. With his Masonic TBN fake ministers Paula White, Rodney Howard Brown and 501c3 etc etc's. All Masonic hirelings he has associated himself with to dupe Christians into a false sense of security, that he is allied with them.

Their will be a cognitive dissonance uncomfortable feeling at first with those who are committed and sad to say brainwashed "Trump supporters," that willfully overlook his masonic lying endgame affiliations. They can get over that and desire the truth that is here.

Remember that all masonic lodges have their approval orders also from the British grand lodge in England. They are in on the deception. With the throne of England's desire to undo the US revolution, via their "1717" Masonry, and intelligence groups all coordinating the global Masonic agenda.

Yet with this video uploaded here to our main channel, our channel could be shut down. With fake censorship masonic communist youtube strikes. As Trump and his Masonic administration already shut down our youtube channel over exposing ISIS. Now we can see why. They wanted to continue the fraud of ISIS terrorism, and they could not have you remembering the historical record on who started ISIS, and what it is. We will speak the truth, and with your support they cannot stop us.

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In case our channels get shut down, make sure to always search out backup channels and new channels by Edifying Others to find us again. The Lord Jesus Christ grace be upon you all.

Part 1 The Truth About The Las Vegas Massacre And Who Are The Players

Controlled Opposition Want You Believing Masonic-Kissinger-Trump Is Not Involved In The Las Vegas Fraud.

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